Minnesota Senator Eric Lucero banner image

Dear Friends and Neighbors,


The end of the 2024 Legislative Session last Sunday night was unprecedented in the history of the State Legislature.


In total, the Legislature consists of 104 Democrats (51.7%) and 97 Republicans (48.3%). The Senate makeup is 34 Democrats to 33 Republicans. Despite the nearly even split, Democrats shut out and ignored the 48% of Minnesotans who elected Republicans. Democrats abused their razor-thin majority the last two years to advance the most extreme, partisan legislation in Minnesota State history. And Democrats did so by relying upon a senator arrested and charged with felony burglary to be their necessary 34th vote.


Meanwhile, hardworking families continue struggling to get by. Expenses such as gas, groceries, housing, childcare, insurance, and more are through the roof. Contrary to the best interests of Minnesota, Democrats prioritized legislation that eroded women’s rights, reduced academic opportunities for our children, squandered the $18 billion surplus, and raised taxes, fees, and expensive mandates.

Democrat one-party-control burglarize Minnesotans breaking the rules and law illegitimately voting to pass their over 6-inch tall, over 22-pound, 1,431-page Grand Theft Omnibus bill.


With time running out as the constitutional midnight deadline approached last Sunday night, Democrats jammed all their remaining wish-list items into one massive bill exceeding 1,400 pages. Democrats abandoned their poorly masked facade of bipartisanship by blatantly breaking the rules of both the Senate and House. Democrats prevented debate, forced votes, and passed enormous bills in a matter of minutes before hard copies or digital copies of bills were even available to read. It was physically impossible to know what was being voted upon.


Democrats abandoned democracy. Democrats chose to violate all semblance of ethics, due process, the Constitution, and even ran tyranny over transparency for political expediency. Democrats’ behavior was shocking to members, staff, journalists, and even former Democrat Senate leader Melisa Franzen, who expressed her shock on social media. Democrats betrayed Minnesotans. 

Over the last month, the Democrat majority have shown their true colors. The integrity of the legislature this year was thrown out the moment Democrats decided their left-wing agenda mattered more than Minnesota when they protected their felony charged colleague Sen. Mitchell from facing accountability for alleged burglary to keep her deciding vote to maintain their majority. 

In a press conference following the adjournment of the 2024 session, Democrat leadership offered no defense of their complete disregard of the rules of the legislature other than the need to pass their own agenda. Despite claiming they were justified in breaking the rules by claiming the Republican minority to be obstructing their agenda, the reality is that the Democrat's struggle with the schedule this year was completely self inflicted, and caused so much to be rushed through the Legislature in the final weekend of session.


Democrats chose to protect their colleague who is charged with first degree felony burglary. Democrats chose to push the floor schedule back a week to get Sen. Mitchell back on the Senate floor to be the deciding vote on controversial bills rather than work with the minority on bipartisan solutions. Democrats chose to pack the final weekend with too much business to allow for bills to get ample debate and vetting. Republicans simply spoke up for the concerns of the 48% of Minnesotans who are being ignored by the Democrat majority, just as every other minority in the legislature previously had a right to do. This unprecedented attack on the rules, civility, and decorum in the legislature is 100% the fault of Democrats.


I am undeterred, however. I will continue my efforts for real solutions to help and improve the lives of ALL Minnesotans, and I will do so transparently while following the rules. I will continue working hard to advance truth, integrity, and preserve the future of our great Republic!


The best part of serving in public office is interacting with the great people I represent and I look forward to seeing you over the summer at community events! I am working to organize several town halls I hope to announce soon. Until next we meet, have a great summer with family, friends, and loved ones!


In Other News


A genuine solution from real leaders to protect children and innocent lives.

Women are speaking out. Is this true?

The price of government caused inflation 2019 vs. 2024.

The exact same single-party Democrat control driving Minneapolis into the ground is also driving Minnesota into the ground with terrible policies and destructive spending.

You or someone you love or know may become a victim.

Staying In Touch


Each and every day I’m continuously humbled at the opportunity to represent and fight for the values and priorities of our great community!


Please contact me to share any issues, concerns, or feedback you have to assist me best represent you. The best way to reach me is by email at [email protected] or by phone at 651-296-5655.



Eric Lucero


State Senator

District 30

Rockford Township, Hanover, Saint Michael, Albertville, Otsego, Elk River, Nowthen, Western Oak Grove 


Capitol Address

95 University Avenue W.
Minnesota Senate Bldg. 2413
St. Paul, MN 55155
