Minnesota Senator Glenn Gruenhagen banner image

Friends and neighbors,


Democrats have complete control of our government, including the House, Senate, and Governor’s office, and they have abused that power in appalling ways. In 2023 alone, they delayed and delayed, refusing to bring up any priority conference committee agreements until the final weekend of session. Instead of getting to work, they took long breaks and scheduled light floor sessions as the days slipped away.


Then, at the last minute, they combined all their controversial and extreme ideas into one gigantic, 1,431-page, 22-pound bill. They did this an hour before the legislature was required to adjourn, immediately bringing the bill up for a vote and completely silencing Republicans – and more importantly, the constituents we are sent here to represent. They flagrantly ignored virtually every Senate rule and procedure. No one had time to read the bill, it wasn’t available online, and most people didn’t even have a physical copy. They orchestrated this scheme in secret while we tried hard to negotiate in good faith. And they did it all while relying on the deciding vote of a senator charged with felony burglary.


The Grand Theft Omnibus bill 

I am frankly disgusted by their actions. What happened here is not just a violation of Senate rules; it is an assault on the integrity of our legislative process and an attack on you, the people of Minnesota. I am gravely concerned about the reputation and integrity of our legislative body moving forward. Relationships have been damaged, possibly beyond repair. The voices of nearly half of Minnesotans have been silenced, cut out of the debate. There is no transparency or accountability. The only thing that matters to the Democrats is the pursuit of their extreme agenda and their thirst for power, not the needs and concerns of regular Minnesotans.


Over the last two years, they have burned through $19 billion in your money and raised another $10 billion in taxes. Schools are feeling serious budget crunches, businesses are struggling with crushing mandates, and Minnesotans are paying more every day for groceries, gas, and taxes. The Democrat trifecta has been a disaster, not just for the legislative process but for all Minnesotans.


Do not forget this chaos and their horrendous mismanagement of the state. This is what happens when a single party controls the government and rams through its agenda, without regard to the consequences for Minnesotans. 


You deserve far better than you have been getting. We need to restore transparency, accountability, and respect for all voices in our legislative process.


Thank you for your continued support and engagement. Let’s work together to ensure that our government represents all Minnesotans and operates with the integrity and transparency we deserve.


If you have any questions, please reach out any time. 

God Bless,




Capitol Address

95 University Avenue W.
Minnesota Senate Bldg. 2417
St. Paul, MN 55155
