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Editor's Note:

For those who remember the chaos of the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, the current uprisings across the country might seem to be foreshadowing a similar situation this summer. Jarrett Stepman offers a brief history lesson on the unrest and violence that engulfed the Democrats' convention after a year of social and political turmoil. August of 2024 will be interesting to watch. Reprinted with permission. Pat Daugherty, Ed.D.
Protestors and Chicago Police Officers in Grant Park – DPLA
The Truth About the 1968 Democrat Convention
May 22, 2024

Will we see a repeat this summer of the infamous 1968 Chicago Democratic National Convention that devolved into chaos and anarchy? This year’s convention is, like 1968, set to take place in Chicago and social unrest is percolating on the Left, to say the least.

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