Checking in with an important note about Wisconsin's primary election...

Friend, I’m writing to you from Common Cause Wisconsin’s headquarters -- right now, that’s my dining room.

Our nationwide staff is working from home -- but I’ve been busy around the clock, dealing with the fallout from the absolutely shameful vote suppression in our state this week.

You probably saw it on the news: our gerrymandered Republican legislature forced in-person voting on Tuesday -- ignoring experts and endangering thousands of voters’ health.

Common Cause Wisconsin fought to stop them -- our members made hundreds of calls to legislative leadership. But our state’s partisan and polarized Supreme Court ruled 4-2 that the election had to proceed, even in the face of an obvious public health catastrophe.

So, we urged voters to cast their ballots by mail and use the expanded absentee voting deadline that we had called for. But then, a 5-4 split U.S. Supreme Court struck down that extension -- disenfranchising thousands of voters who didn't receive their ballots in time.

So, last Tuesday, many Wisconsin voters were forced to choose between risking their health or giving up their sacred right to vote.

This is one of the most shameful acts of vote suppression I’ve seen in my decades-long career of fighting for democracy. And Friend, I’m writing to you today because I’m terrified that this could happen again -- in all 50 states and D.C. -- this November.

That is, if Common Cause members like you and me aren’t willing to step up.

I know there’s a lot going on right now -- and everyone’s top priority should be to make sure they and their families are safe. But I want you to know that Common Cause is not letting up for a second -- and that we’re counting on you to help ensure a free and fair 2020 election.

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Even as our nation faces the COVID-19 pandemic, we can’t let protecting democracy and maintaining fair elections fall by the wayside. In the coming months, the new disruptions we face are going to make our election work much more difficult -- but also more important.

We must immediately get to work. There’s a big national fight right around the corner -- Congress is preparing another stimulus bill, and we must ensure it includes the required funding for vote-by-mail and other urgently needed reforms.

But also, there’s vital work to be done to protect voters’ rights during this pandemic in almost every state.

We must establish or expand vote-by-mail in every state where it’s viable for the November elections, while making sure in-person voting is safe and accessible. Everywhere else, we must do everything possible to expand participation -- early voting, online registration, and additional voting accommodations.

And sadly, we’ll have to remain vigilant against those who would exploit this pandemic for their own political gain. Already, President Trump is spreading lies about needed reforms like vote-by-mail -- and urging his party to block efforts to ensure everyone can vote during this crisis. [1]

This is an ambitious agenda -- but if we want to prevent the sort of disaster that the state I love just went through from happening in November, it’s absolutely vital. And Common Cause is the organization that can get it done.

After all, Common Cause Wisconsin is just one of 35 Common Cause state organizations nationwide -- and we’ve spent years developing the trust and relationships with local election officials that will be necessary to make the changes we’ll need to protect voters.

Friend, I’m writing because we need your help. Common Cause has decades of experience with protecting voters under difficult circumstances -- natural disasters, computer failures, and everything in between.

So, while we’ve never seen anything like this, I’m confident that we’ll be able to find the best solutions to protect public health and maintain voter access. And if we can count on Common Cause members like you to step up with the resources it’ll take -- like we always have before -- I know we can get it done.

If you’re able to, please rush us your 2020 Voting Rights contribution -- and help make sure America’s elections are conducted freely and fairly, like voters deserve.

Please be safe. And thank you for being part of the Common Cause community at this difficult time.

Thanks for helping to protect democracy,

Jay Heck, Wisconsin Executive Director
and the team at Common Cause


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