
Dear Friend,

I wanted to pass along my latest update on the important work we are doing in the People's House to stand up for commonsense, conservative principles across the Country and to serve my constituents in Maryland's First Congressional District.

H.R. 3935; Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Reauthorization - Passed

As you may know, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) oversees America’s aviation and is responsible for setting the standards necessary to ensure the safety of all pilots, crews, and passengers. It is essential that we reauthorize the FAA so that our aviation systems have the resources to keep our airports and skies safe for travel. I voted in favor of the FAA reauthorization and am pleased to see this vital piece of legislation passed the House of Representatives.

H.R. 7343Detain and Deport Illegal Aliens Who Assault Cops Act - Passed

It is no secret that our Southern Border is a disaster. Under the Biden Administration, we are witnessing millions of illegal border crossings and this commonsense Detain and Deport Illegal Aliens Who Assault Cops Act would deport any illegal migrant who assaults a police officer. I was glad to see this bill passed with bipartisan support but was disappointed that 148 radical Democrats voted against this bill --- showing they would rather stand with dangerous criminals than protect our brave law enforcement officers.

H.Res.1213; A resolution regarding violence against law enforcement officers. - Passed

As a token of my gratefulness to our law enforcement personnel, it was my privilege to vote in favor of H.Res.1213 which expressed strong support for our men and women in blue. As we wrapped up National Police Week, it was important for our police officers across the country to know that the U.S. House of Representatives stands with them as they put their lives on the line to keep our communities safe. 

H.Res.1210Condemning the Biden border crisis and the tremendous burdens law enforcement officers face as a result - Passed

In honor of National Police Week, I joined my fellow House Republicans and voted for H.Res.1210 which condemns the Biden Administration's failure to secure our Southern Border. The burden the President's lack of leadership has put on local law enforcement officials is immense and this resolution highlights the many instances of criminals entering through our wide-open Southern Border. I remain determined to support our police officers as they cope with the increase in migrant crime. 

H.R. 8369Israel Security Assistance Support Act - Passed

We are watching a complete foreign policy failure on the part of the Biden Administration. Instead of supporting our ally Israel during their fight for existence, President Biden's decision to withhold arms shipments to Israel is an insult to our friend. The Israel Security Assistance Support Act would curb President Biden’s misguided efforts to withhold critical security resources by compelling the delivery of defense weapons to Israel as they fight to protect themselves against radical terrorists.

District Updates

Honoring National Police Week

As we commemorated National Police Week, I took a moment on the House Floor to honor the memory of Wicomico County Sheriff's Deputy, Glenn Hilliard, a heroic Eastern Shore police officer who was killed in the line of duty while protecting his community from a violent criminal.

In the evening hours of June 12th, 2022, Officer Hilliard received a call that a fleeing fugitive was in the surrounding area. While dangerous, this call wasn’t much different from the hundreds of calls for help the Wicomico County Police Department and police departments across the country receive daily as they confront crime to protect our communities.

Sadly, for Officer Hilliard, this call to duty would be his last. As Officer Hilliard pursued the wanted criminal, the fugitive turned and fired—ultimately taking his life. As Officer Hilliard’s family reminds us, he died doing what he loved and left behind a legacy of selflessly defending his community. 

As the Representative of Maryland's Eastern Shore, I remain committed to supporting law enforcement in Maryland's First District and across our country. 

To see my full remarks, please click here.


In The News

The Chris Salcedo Show Interview

I joined Chris Salcedo on Newsmax to discuss the latest developments surrounding the White House's refusal to release President Biden's audiotapes from his interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur. As you may remember, the Hur report referred to Joe Biden an "elderly man with a poor memory" and because Biden's age was instrumental in the ultimate decision not to charge him with crimes, it is important that any information pertaining to the Hur report is made available to Congress for investigations.


Media On West Ocean City Pier:

On Thursday, I spoke with WBOC about my recent call for the Maryland Department of Environment (MDE) to hold a public hearing in Ocean City, Maryland regarding their review process for U.S. Wind’s West Ocean City Pier. The MDE held a public comment hearing at the Wor-Wic Community College on March 25, 2024, regarding the pier project; however, our office received numerous complaints that the hearing was not held in Ocean City.

The location of the proposed pier in the Ocean City Inlet is in an area that is already crowded with commercial fisherman and tourists alike and many Ocean City residents have expressed concerns that further development of the pier will create unnecessary disruption of the important fishing industry.

During the interview, I called on U.S. Wind and MDE to hold another hearing, this time in Ocean City, so they can hear directly from those who would be negatively impacted by this project. 

To read the full press release, please click here. For news stories, please click here and here.  

How We Can Help

If you have ever had any issue with a Federal agency, like the IRS, the VA, Social Security, Medicare, or passports, please don’t hesitate to contact my office. My office teams are ready to assist you. If you are interested in purchasing a flag that has been flown over the U.S. Capitol, for a special person or special occasion, please visit my website or call my office at 202-225-5311. Below are links to services my office offers and we hope to hear from you. 


Andy Harris, M.D.
Member of Congress
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