The video shares that much of how we think about sex has to do with how we think about ourselves. Historian Carl Truman noted a sequence of thought that began in the 1700s:
1. The self became psychologized
2. Psychology became sexualized
3. Sexuality became politicized
Essentially, sex and sexual attraction used to be understood as parts of ourselves, not the source of our identities. Now, identity has been attached to sexual attraction, and the expression of sexual identity has become a matter of political rights.
If you do not agree with how someone identifies, you are considered hateful, and, in some circumstances, you can even be punished legally.
But if your identity is dependent only on your feelings, you can end up believing a false statement like "the entity in a pregnant mother’s womb is not a human being."
What is the answer?
Natural law morality.
If we want to understand human nature and personal identity, we must recognize that the natural world has a moral structure, and that humans only truly flourish when they live in accordance with that structure.
Anyone can recognize this understanding of natural morality, regardless of their religion or whether they believe in God.
I hope you found this breakdown helpful. Please watch and share this video with your friends and family so that we can help the culture recognize the natural order, increase human flourishing, and protect innocent lives.
For Life,
Lila Rose
Founder and President