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Dear Friend,

Although Holy Week this year may look a little different than years past, I want to wish you a blessed and safe Easter. 


I’d also like to give a special thank you to all those on the front lines of COVID-19. When we get through this—and we will—it’s going to be because of these heroes.

This past week, I’ve continued to connect and listen to Iowans from every corner of the state about their needs and concerns as we work through COVID-19. Here’s a look at some of the things I’ve been working on the last few days... 

Hearing from Iowa’s Small Businesses

This week, I hosted another telephone town hall focused on Iowa’s small business community and the relief I’ve helped deliver for this important sector of our economy. I was joined on the tele-town hall by Jayne Armstrong, District Director for U.S. Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Iowa District Office.


I continue to be in constant communication with Iowans from every corner and county of the state to ensure folks are receiving the support they need, including our families, small business owners, health care workers, and more. This week, I participated in several Q&A sessions, connecting with hundreds of Iowans.


Click here or on the image above for a video recap on my Q&A sessions.

Supporting Iowa’s Workers and Local Employers

In all my conversations with Iowa small businesses, we discussed the importance of the new loan program, called the Paycheck Protection Program.

With the program being widely utilized already, I was quick to call on Congress to move swiftly to ensure the money keeps flowing and our businesses can stay afloat amidst this pandemic.

Unfortunately, Senate Democrats blocked additional and critically-needed funding for it.  We don’t have time for political games; we’re in a crisis. Workers and employers in Iowa and across the country need this relief now more than ever, so I hope my colleagues will put aside the politics and swiftly get this specific additional support for small businesses approved.

Ensuring Domestic Violence Survivors Receive Direct Payments

During this crisis, every American deserves the promise of economic stability, and survivors are no different. This week, I called on the IRS to ensure that survivors of domestic violence – regardless of their living situation – receive their direct payments.

On a video conference call, I spoke with folks from the Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault about my efforts, and other ways to support survivors during this time. 


Fighting for Iowa’s Biofuels Community

Iowa’s biofuels community does so much for our state—and I’m continuing to fight for our farmers and producers during the COVID-19 pandemic. After pushing to bolster the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) in the bipartisan Phase 3 relief package we passed in Congress, this week I requested additional funds be allocated to the biofuels industry through the program.

My efforts were covered by a number of outlets—including the Atlantic News Telegraph, WHO Radio, and Biomass Magazine.

Iowa RFA and other industry leaders praised these efforts.


My Latest Column: All Iowans have a role to play to help seniors, those most at-risk.

We’re living in challenging times. But it’s in these trying days that we’ve seen the resilient spirit that makes our state and our people so great.

Some of my favorite stories of Iowans helping Iowans have been the heartwarming acts of kindness folks have shown for our seniors and those most at-risk during this pandemic. I think about the folks at the Cherokee Hy-Vee floral shop, who, knowing the care facilities in the area had closed to visitors, decided to bring a little cheer to the residents

With the help of an overwhelming amount of donations from folks in the local community, they were able to make over 160 fresh floral arrangements and deliver them to the four care centers in the area. And they’re not done yet—they’ve decided to try to do the same for the teachers in and around Cherokee. This really is what we call, “Iowa nice.”

It’s so important we look out for one another in these tough times. We need to abide by the CDC guidelines and what our health experts are instructing us to do, whether that’s social distancing or taking those basic precautions, like washing our hands and covering our coughs. And we need to do it for the benefit of one another.

To read my full column, click here. And if you have a story of folks in your community helping out their fellow Iowans: I want to hear it. Please share it here.

For more updates on what's happening in Washington, D.C. and Iowa, be sure to 'Like' my Facebook page, follow me on Twitter @SenJoniErnst, and subscribe to my YouTube channel.

Thank you!
