Yesterday, Trump posted a video featuring headlines about a
“Unified Reich”1 — a nod to his dreams of being a dictator
and re-creating Hitler’s Germany.
They have excuses and “explanations” for how this happened, but we
know the truth. It’s a not-so-subtle dog whistle to Trump’s base,
signaling the future they envision: a United States where our
multiracial Jewish community, and all other communities targeted by
white nationalism, are not safe.

When Trump first ran in 2015, our movement led the charge to warn
the nation: we’ve seen this before.2
When he was elected in 2016, our progressive, multiracial,
multifaith coalition prevented him from enacting some of his worst
In 2020, we raised the alarm about Trump’s Nazi ads,3
and together we defeated him and his MAGA movement.4
And when he lost his reelection bid in 2020 and attempted a coup,
we proudly stood for our democracy. It was clear then, and it’s clear
now, that Trump’s insurrection was a dry run — and one he is summoning
again by reintroducing Nazi-inspired language.
Trump’s use of “Unified Reich” isn’t just what he intends to
build. It's a call to action for Jews and all those targeted by the
specter of white nationalism to unify against it.
We can only do it together.
— The Bend the Arc team
Sources: 1. The New York Times, Trump
Posts, Then Takes Down, Video Online With Headlines About a ‘Unified
Reich’ 2. Bend the Arc: Jewish Action, We’ve
Seen This Before 3. Bend
the Arc: Jewish Action on X 4. Bend the Arc: Jewish Action, THE
NUMBERS: Bend the Arc's impact in 2020