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Dear John,

Last week we told you about how the NRA is using this public health crisis to stoke fears to drive gun sales — no matter the risks to our health or safety. It’s why they sued the state of California in an attempt to keep all gun stores open.

 just this week, the court delivered the NRA a huge blow and ruled to strike down their lawsuit!

But the NRA isn’t done yet. They are also suing the state of New York — one of the states hardest hit by COVID-19 — in an attempt to keep gun stores open at the risk of our health and safety. Time and again, the NRA shows us that they will stop at nothing to help the gun industry’s profits. And that’s why we’re doing everything we can to stop the NRA’s extremism in this time of crisis.

Right now, we're reaching out to governors to let them know that they are well within their rights to temporarily close gun stores in the interest of stopping the spread of coronavirus — and YOU can help, too!

Please send a message to your governor now asking them to take proactive measures to address the rising sales of guns and ammo!



Did You Miss Our Webinar?
On Thursday, we hosted our webinar: "COVID-19, Gun Sales, and What Can Be Done." We heard from a range of experts about the increase in firearm sales, the need for safe storage, and the impact of COVID-19 on suicide and domestic violence. Watch the archived webinar now.

Victory in Virginia: Gun Violence Prevention Bills Signed into Law!

A long-awaited win! On Friday, Gov. Northam signed into law five lifesaving gun reform bills, including an extreme risk law and expanded background checks. This win comes after months — and years — of grassroots advocacy. In February, the entire country watched as pro-gun extremists descended upon the Virginia State Capitol. But armed militias couldn’t stop us. Gun reform is a winning issue, and elections matter! We applaud Gov. Northam for signing common-sense, evidence-based legislation that will save lives.

A Message from Brady President and Virginia Native Kris Brown


It’s National Public Health Week — Check Out Our Blog! 

A public health approach shows us how we can block the spread of a virus by identifying the means of transmission and then reducing it. But how can a public health approach be applied to preventing gun violence? Read our blog by Bettina Lanyi, our director of national partnerships.

 Read now!


Brady Mourns the Loss of Maeve Kennedy-Townsend McKean and Her Son, Gideon 

The entirety of Brady is heartbroken by the tragic loss of longtime Brady supporter Maeve Kennedy-Townsend McKean and her eight-year-old son, Gideon. Their bodies were recovered by a rescue team after strong winds and water caused them to lose control of their canoe in the Chesapeake Bay. 

(L-R) Toby, Maeve, David, Gabriella, and Gideon

Maeve was a great champion of so many important causes, including preventing gun violence. She served on the board of Brady and was always a kind soul looking to help Brady staff and volunteers with new projects and assignments. Maeve was also the executive director of the Georgetown University Global Health Initiative, a Peace Corps volunteer, and a board member of the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights organization. Gideon was an incredibly social and active young man, who loved to read, play sports, and adventure with his closest friends. He played every sport he could while always looking for more to participate in, asking his father why he hadn’t signed him up for something else yet.

This is a tremendous loss for our Brady family. Our thoughts are with Maeve’s husband, David, her surviving children, Toby and Gabriella, her mother, Lt. Governor Kathleen Kennedy-Townsend — who is a beloved former member of the Brady board — and the entire McKean and Kennedy-Townsend families at this time.We’re Tracking Gun Violence Under America’s Coronavirus Pandemic 

This week, Chicago suffered its deadliest day of gun homicide since 2018. In response, Mayor Lori Lightfoot issued a bold plea for an end to senseless gun violence — especially at a time when COVID-19 is taxing the city’s healthcare system and disproportionately killing Black Chicagoans. 

With 100 people killed by guns every day and nearly 40,000 killed each year, it’s crucial that we acknowledge and address how America is facing an epidemic within a pandemic. 

As Brady President Kris Brown recently told Boulder Weekly, “...[W]e will have an immunization against coronavirus, but there is no immunization for that new unloaded and unsecured gun you’ve brought into your home.” 

To illustrate how a pandemic and an epidemic intersect, we’re compiling news reports about gun deaths and injuries amid and attributed to the coronavirus outbreakRead more on our blog.

 Read more!

For the third week in a row, “Red, Blue, and Brady” has ranked in the top 200 education-based podcasts by Chartable! Use this time of solitude and social distancing to binge on our podcast. 

🎧 Domestic Violence, Guns, and COVID-19
We talk with Ruth Glenn and Rachel Graber of the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) about what they’re seeing and hearing about reports of domestic violence and firearms — and what our listeners can do to help. Listen now

🎧 Teens, Gun Violence, and COVID-19
We talk with Dr. Mary Jo Podgurski of the Academy for Adolescent Health, Inc., about unique risks the intersection of COVID-19 and firearms poses for young adults. Listen now.


Brady Donor Spotlight: Marita and Kevin Daly of Kentfield, CA

Marita and Kevin Daly have been Brady supporters for years and active in leadership since 2017. Marita, a retired lawyer and chair of Brady’s Northern California Regional Leadership Council (RLC), and Kevin, who currently works in finance at Five Corners Partners, work on gun violence prevention efforts in schools as well as gun violence protective order education and promoting safe gun storage.

They both deplore that gun violence and shootings have changed our schools from a place of innocence to one where students and teachers have to fear mass shootings. Marita and Kevin support Brady’s efforts to return our schools to a place where students and teachers can focus on learning, without the fear of mass shootings — something every parent can stand behind. Why do you support Brady? If you don’t already, learn how today!

 Learn how to support Brady

Gun Safety Highlighted During Coronavirus Crisis, GrayTV

NRA Loses Court Challenge on Order to Shut California Gun Shops, Bloomberg

How the Coronavirus Led to the Highest-Ever Spike in U.S. Gun Sales, BBC News

NRA Suing New York for Deeming Gun Stores Non-Essential Businesses During Coronavirus Pandemic, CNN

Gun Safety Highlighted During Coronavirus Crisis, WHSV

“When we approach gun violence as an epidemic, we can then create real solutions based on real facts.” — Dr. Megan Ranney

In honor of National Public Health week, we’re thanking longtime gun violence prevention advocate Dr. Megan Ranney. Her mission to prevent gun violence was set years ago, after she treated a young man who had unintentionally shot himself in the head. 

Dr. Ranney helped found AFFIRM, a network of public health experts and researchers committed to reducing gun violence. She is also an advocate for Brady’s End Family Fire program, which focuses on responsible gun ownership and safe gun storage. Today, she is on the front lines advocating for much needed personal protective equipment. Learn more about Dr. Ranney by watching her TED Talk: "How the public health approach can solve gun violence."“Today’s action delivers on the promise that Governor Northam and both chambers of the Virginia General Assembly made to voters last November. A majority of Virginians cited gun policy as their number one concern when heading to the polls. Those voters sent a gun violence prevention majority to the Virginia legislature for the first time in a generation, including over 80 percent of Brady-endorsed candidates. Today, we saw democracy in action and the will of the voters enacted.”

Brady President Kris Brown on Gov. Northam signing historic gun violence prevention legislation



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Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
840 First Street, NE
Suite 400
Washington, DC 20002
United States

Paid for by the Brady Campaign. Contributions to the Brady Campaign are not tax deductible.

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