London Breed for Mayor


Wow, what an incredible kickoff we had this past Saturday! The energy and enthusiasm of more than 800 San Franciscans filled every corner of The Fillmore, and together, we celebrated not just the start of our campaign, but the spirit of community and progress that defines our great city!

A heartfelt thank you to our amazing speakers who inspired us all – Donna Sachet, Renel Brooks-Moon, Danny Glover, Andrea Dew Steele, Larry Yee, Valerie Tulier-Laiwa, Sara Barz, Jasmin Corley, and Jay Bradshaw. Each of these voices gave power to our vision for a stronger, more vibrant San Francisco.

A high point was when “Survivor” by Destiny’s Child filled the room, bringing everyone to their feet to welcome Mayor Breed to the stage – what a moment!

Saturday provided an opportunity for our volunteers to gather, get fired up, and begin the hard, yet rewarding work of connecting with San Francisco voters. If you missed the kick-off, below are a few ways to get looped into key efforts already underway:
  1. Volunteer: Join our vibrant team of volunteers, display a window sign, attend an event with us! Every minute you give moves us closer to building the people-powered movement we need to re-elect Mayor Breed. Sign up here!
  2. Amplify Our Message Online: Follow Mayor Breed’s campaign on Facebook and Instagram for the latest updates, events and news! Your engagement on social media helps spread our message far and wide.
  3. Contribute: Campaigns are powered by people like you, John. Every donation, no matter the size, makes a difference and helps us elect a leader who stands for all of us.

Thank you again to those who attended the kickoff! You helped set the stage for the exciting journey ahead. Now, let’s keep up the momentum and make sure we can re-elect Mayor Breed!

Together, we’re unstoppable!

Team London Breed

Paid for by Re-Elect Mayor London Breed 2024. Financial disclosures are available at
