
That’s how much we’re asking you to pitch in to Defend the Senate today.

We promise that’s not a typo, John. Just two dollars and thirty cents.

So the next question you might be asking is — why $2.30?

Well, that’s because Democrats have to defend 23 Senate seats in November, and your donation can help us stop Republicans from taking back the Senate majority.

National Republicans are going all-in to take back the Senate: They’ve booked more than $130 million to blast swing states with ads, and the latest polls show a dead heat.

Your $2.30 donation can help us respond to these latest developments.

$2.30 can help re-elect vulnerable Democrats like Jacky Rosen, Jon Tester, and Sherrod Brown.

$2.30 can help defeat Republicans up for re-election, like Rick Scott and Ted Cruz.

$2.30 can help reach more voters in swing states that will decide the election — like Arizona, Ohio, and Wisconsin.

And just $2.30 can help save our Democratic Senate majority against Donald Trump’s handpicked Senate candidates.

We know $2.30 might not seem like a lot, but when combined with 5,000 or 10,000 other donations — it has a huge collective impact in the most competitive of Senate races.

In fact, if half of the people reading this email pitched in, we would hit our fundraising goal for the month with days left to spare. We’re really hoping you can help start that chain reaction:

John, will you give $2.30 or more now to Defend the Senate?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you,

— Defend the Senate