From Angela Alsobrooks <>
Subject the Senate is on the line
Date May 21, 2024 2:20 PM
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The Senate majority is on the line in Maryland, so it’s game

There are two main points we need to get across to voters every day
between now and Election Day:

1) We need to expose Republican Larry Hogan’s record and why he would be a
disaster not just for Maryland, but the entire country.

2) Make the case why I’m the candidate best-equipped to fight for Maryland
families and the issues that matter to them.

[ [link removed] ]Will you please chip in $25 to give our team the resources we need to
communicate with Marylanders between now and November to win this
make-or-break Senate race?

[ [link removed] ]Donate $25

[ [link removed] ]Other Amount

While a lot of Marylanders know Larry Hogan as the former governor and a
moderate Republican, that’s really only half true.

From vetoing expanded access to abortion care and a $15 minimum wage,
Hogan’s moderate reputation is a lie.

As this race starts getting more and more national attention, we need to
make sure everyone sees Hogan for who he really is.

When he tries flip-flopping and backtracking, we need to hold his feet to
the fire and tie him to his extreme record.

And we also need to make sure Maryland voters know why I’m the best
candidate to lead Maryland forward in the U.S. Senate.

[ [link removed] ]Will you help us begin the second week of the general election with a
big boost of grassroots enthusiasm? If so, please consider chipping in $25
ASAP, because I’m going to need your help defeating Hogan and his dark
money backers.

If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your
donation will go through immediately.

[ [link removed] ]Chip in $25
[ [link removed] ]Chip in $50
[ [link removed] ]Chip in $100
[ [link removed] ]Chip in $200
[ [link removed] ]Chip in $250
[ [link removed] ]Other Amount


—Angela Alsobrooks

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