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California Business Roundtable
Press Release

California Business Roundtable Issues Statement on the Stepping Down of Lenny Mendonca as GOBiz Director

April 10, 2020

CONTACT: Michael Bustamante
[email protected]
(916) 425-0839


SACRAMENTO—Rob Lapsley, president of the California Business Roundtable, issued the following statement today in response to the news that Lenny Mendonca will be stepping down as director of the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development: 

“We would like to thank Lenny Mendonca for his leadership and his willing partnership with the business community during his tenure as Governor Newsom’s Chief Economic and Business Advisor. Governor Newsom sent a clear signal to the business community that he wanted a steady hand who combined outstanding executive business experience with fair and balanced perspectives on major issues, particularly important during these turbulent times. We stand ready to work with his Chief Deputy, Chris Dombrowski, who will now play a critically important interim leadership role as we fight the COVID 19 epidemic and its impacts on California’s businesses and its 40 million residents.”

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The California Business Roundtable is a non-partisan organization comprised of the senior executive leadership of the major employers throughout the state – with a combined workforce of more than half a million employees.  For more than 40 years the Roundtable has identified the issues critical to a healthy business climate and provided the leadership needed to strengthen California’s economy and create jobs.

California Business Roundtable
1301 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814
916.553.4093 | www.cbrt.org
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