Dear John,

In the wake of September’s devastating earthquake, we must deal with another ongoing crisis. High prices for everything from fuel to animal feed and medical supplies are affecting our ability to deliver life-saving care to sick and injured animals. And our medical teams’ work is more urgently important than ever. In Fez, survival rides on the backs of working animals.

If you’ve been looking for the best time to help, I assure you, it is now. Your gift could not come at a more critical time. That is why I write to you today with an urgent plea for help. Our work MUST go on, just as it has since our founding by Mrs. Amy Bend Bishop in 1927.

Her initial gift of $8,000 helped found the American Fondouk. This new organization would provide free veterinary care, improved husbandry, and nutrition for working animals who endured poor conditions. Her gift changed the future for the animals — and the people who depend on them for their livelihoods.

To help us continue to rise to every challenge, please renew your American Fondouk membership for 2024 with the best gift you can send today.

Caring members like you allow the Fondouk to treat more than 12,000 horses, mules, and donkeys each year who provide the sole income support for approximately 50,000 people! Please give generously to improve — and save — the lives of working animals who so desperately need our care.

With my deepest thanks,


Bob Coleman
President, Board of Directors
American Fondouk

P.S. Fondouk membership means survival. With a line for care every morning, lives hang in the balance. To turn one away is unthinkable. Please be generous.


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