Stand with Harrison Butker! Don't let backlash cost him his career for speaking up for basic Christian principles. Join us in defending free speech and religious freedom today! SIGN THE PETITION |
Dear John,
What if speaking from your heart to a like-minded audience cost you your career? It's not a hypothetical question for Harrison Butker, the Kansas City Chiefs' kicker.
Butker, a devoted Catholic and conservative, is under severe public attack. His crime? Expressing his beliefs. He's facing a storm of criticism for supporting fundamental Christian principles.
The buzz is everywhere. Social media, news outlets, and even within the NFL, calls for Butker's resignation are growing. Despite the backlash, he remains devoted to Family, Life, and Freedom.
Sign our petition. Kansas City Chiefs Headquarters must hear our support for Harrison Butker!
Butker's motto is clear: "...We must always speak and act in charity. But never mistake charity for cowardice." The left is in a frenzy over his bold stand for conservative family values.
While other NFL players with multiple “baby mommas,” domestic violence charges, and criminal records are celebrated, Butker, a faithful husband and father, is attacked for speaking positivity about his wholesome lifestyle.
For almost a decade, the NFL has urgently promoted family values through high-dollar advertising, hoping to change its image from the persona of drug-thug players to a wholesome family memory-making experience. Now, the NFL is poised to destroy the career of an authentic family man! The hypocrisy is mind-numbing!
His critics call his speech "Neanderthal," but I found it refreshing. Harrison commented that his wife believes there is no higher vocation than that of a mother and homemaker! I completely agree. I stayed home and raised our ten children. I homeschooled all of them and chose to set aside my career until my children were grown. Harrison spoke the truth that is lived by millions.
Kansas City Chiefs headquarters must hear our support for Harrison Butker! Sign our petition today.
Therefore, as a strong conservative group, we must rally behind those who champion our values. Harrison did nothing wrong. He simply shared his personal conservative Catholic beliefs with a private Catholic University audience.
If Harrison Butker loses his job because he is an outspoken Christian, it will set a dangerous precedent for other sports teams and companies to silence conservative Christian values. Unlike nations around the globe, the United States First Amendment protects its citizens. If the liberal media, social media, and fellow NFL players and personnel have their way and they receive Harrison's proverbial head on a spike, it will be a tremendous blow to all Americans.
Harrison was speaking the truth from his heart, and if he is punished, Christians will lose the right to speak about conservative values in public places. This is ludicrous!
Conversely, if we win, it's a victory for all who dare to speak up for family, life, and freedom, especially in the face of the woke ideology. Harrison was not forcing anyone to agree with him. He stated his beliefs and how they benefit him personally and might benefit those who chose similar paths. But the Leftist horde wants to see him severely punished!
By standing with Harrison Butker, we can win a victory for all who stand unapologetically for family, life, and freedom. We must stand firm for the right to speak about these important issues before our right to speak is lost forever.
Sign our petition. Kansas City Chiefs Headquarters must hear our support for Harrison Butker! Thank you for standing with Harrison! Anna Derbyshire and the entire CitizenGO Team P.S. Nearly 190,000 people have signed a Change.org petition demanding the Chiefs “dismiss” the three-time Super Bowl champion. Please share this petition. Harrison needs our support!