Dear John,
So far this year, you've heard us
announce our endorsement of candidates for dozens of state and local
offices across the nation. These dedicated public servants and
prospective representatives embody everything Forward stands
for—Protecting our democracy and the rule of law, elevating the voice
of the voter, building towards consensus solutions, and leading with
ethics and integrity.
But we're just getting started.
Today, we're happy to announce our
first (and
definitely not our last) slate of endorsed candidates for federal
office, in concert with our volunteers from each of these states.
These four leaders from across the ideological spectrum each embody
our values and are looking to unseat or defeat extremists or partisans
who are more interested in fighting for "their team" than the American
people. Meet the pragmatic problem solvers who will help lead our
country in 2025 and beyond:

Each one of these candidates is fighting
for Americans, not a political party machine. We can't wait to see
what their campaigns have in store.
Here's to each of us doing what we can to
help move America #Forward.
All the best,
The Forward Party