My Faith Votes

Righteousness exalts a nation” Proverbs 14:34

 Patriot, Proverbs 14:34 reminds us that as Christians, we’re called to seek righteousness in all areas of life, including politics. Your vote can make a difference in promoting justice and righteousness. 

Do you plan to use your vote as your voice this election season? We need you to add your name to our Christian Voter Pledge. If every Christian in America votes this November, then we can and will change the future of this country. 

Our nation’s policies impact religious freedom, sanctity of life, and family values. By voting, we can influence the direction of our country and protect what we cherish. 

Voting is an act of love for our neighbors. The Bible says “thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself,” and this November you have the chance to show that love for your community. 

Pledge To Vote

Thank you,

Jason Yates

CEO, My Faith Votes

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