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John, take a look at this map the Atlanta Journal-Constitution just published.

Here’s why it matters: I’m running in the new GA-06 (illustrated in blue). As the map shows, it has very little overlap with the districts I’ve represented before (yellow and red).

This means that for all those folks in the blue area, they’ll be seeing my name on the ballot for the first time ever in the May 21st election tomorrow. Can you split a donation between my campaign and Blue Amp Action so we can keep our foot on the gas pedal with our GOTV outreach?


This has been my challenge since the Georgia GOP redrew Congressional districts again in December. I need to get my name and my story out to every voter in the new GA-06 so I can continue doing this work in Washington, DC.

With only 1 day until Election Day, time is running out to connect with voters, print campaign literature, and distribute yard signs. We cannot afford to let up now. 

Please donate to my campaign so I have the resources to reach every single voter in GA-06

Thanks so much,

Lucy McBath


Cliff Schecter

President, Blue Amp Action

Amplify Good

About BlueAmp Action:

We cannot sugarcoat the current situation. Right-wing authoritarianism, defeated by a worldwide coalition during WWII, was only in hibernation. Over the past decade it has infected democratic societies--including ours. It is as simple as it is terrifying: What we do now will define the future of our country and world. 

We at Blue Amp Action are dedicated to liberal, open societies, where reason and science are applied to solve our problems; where civil rights--including voting rights!--are protected for all. We fight for these values every day. Speaking up on our platforms, raising the voices and the political prospects of liberal pols and pundits. 

So we ask that you support our work, so we can continue to engage in this fight every moment of every day. So our kids grow up in democracy, not dystopia.

Thank you for your support for all we do! Please follow Cliff Schecter on Twitter @cliffschecter, or subscribe to The Takedown with Cliff Schecter on YouTube, to keep up to date with this battle for the heart and soul of our country.


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Blue Amp Action PAC
PO Box 8384, Cincinnati, OH 45208

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