Mary Gay Scanlon for Congress

John, earlier this month, the GOP-led House Judiciary Committee held a hearing in Philadelphia. They claimed they wanted to talk about solutions to make our streets safer. The reality is that they just wanted the opportunity to use political grandstanding to scare voters.

This was just another stop on their tour, taking their partisan political show on the road. Yet again they failed to serve the American people.

Let me be clear: the GOP doesn’t care about making our cities safer, they care about scaring folks into voting for them to keep their power and block any progress on stopping gun violence. And I will not allow them to use the City of Brotherly Love as a prop for media hits in their partisan games. If you’re with me, add your name here and let me know.

If they actually cared about making our communities safer:
  • They would’ve passed our ghost gun ban.
  • They would’ve passed our red flag laws.
  • They wouldn’t be wasting time on political impeachments and in-party fighting.
  • They would pass legislation Democrats have put in front of them that the American people are begging for to keep us all safer.
During the hearing, I called out the GOP House Judiciary Committee members publicly for treating serious proceedings like a traveling circus, and Rep. Matt Gaetz took to his social media to attack me for holding them accountable. But I’m not backing down.

If you’re sick of the GOP lying, grandstanding, and manipulating voters, instantly add your name to let me know you support my work calling them out and holding them accountable >>
In any other job, if you wasted time and money on trips to lie to clients and spent your time in the office just twiddling your thumbs — you’d be fired. It’s up to us to fire the GOP from office for not doing their jobs, we can’t let them deceive the American people any longer.

Add your name now if you agree.


Mary Gay

Mary Gay Scanlon



Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon is a life-long advocate for children and families. In November 2018, she was sworn into Congress following a special election victory – the first woman of the new wave of representation to be sworn in. 
Now, help keep her in office by donating now.

Paid for by Scanlon For Congress

Scanlon For Congress
PO Box 263
Swarthmore, PA 19081
United States

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