The annual rate of deforestation is
estimated to be 10 million hectares globally.1
Deforestation is worsening the effects of climate change by releasing
stored carbon in trees and destroying biodiverse
But why are we making such a buzz
about trees? Not only do they serve as vital carbon sinks and habitats
for countless species, but they also sustain the most important
creatures on our planet — bees! Today, on World Bee Day, we
must acknowledge the value of these hardworking insects and the
threats they face from deforestation.
Bees forage for pollen and nectar
from flowering trees.2 Some species of bees build their
colonies inside of trees.3 Studies even show that an
abundance of trees slows the spread of deadly diseases among bee
populations.4 It’s clear that bees depend on a healthy
ecosystem, but the deforestation plaguing our planet puts bee
populations at risk of disappearing.
We rely on bees and other
pollinators to keep us alive. Without them, we wouldn’t be
able to grow food for livestock or for ourselves. When they are in
danger, we are in danger.
To secure the future of bees, support The
Canopy Project today and buy a tree to save a bee!
To combat deforestation, The Canopy
Project organizes tree plantings in communities around the world. With
your support, we can continue planting trees to protect the health of
bees, wildlife, and humans.
Join us to bee a part of
the change to reforest our Earth. Help us protect one of the most crucial links
in our ecosystem by buying a tree for a bee.
Rogers President
1. Food and Agricultural
Organization of the United Nations: https://www.fao.org/forest-resources-assessment/2020/en/
2. Agriculture, Ecosystems &
Environment: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167880918304481
3. Sciencing: https://sciencing.com/can-extract-honey-wild-beehive-7841020.html
4. International Journal for Parasitology: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0020751921001181