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Football Player Exposes Diabolical Lies of Feminism
May 20, 2024
by Kristen A. Ullman, JD, President, Eagle Forum

“Really? You used to be such a go-getter” was the response I got from a conservative woman after I told her I had given up my career to become a full-time homemaker and mother. I was taken aback, in part because my husband and I were at a pro-life gala. I was 37 years old and had recently given birth to our second child just two years and two months after our wedding. Despite being happy with my decision and blessed to be financially able to do so, I must admit the words stung at the time.

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Kristen A. Ullman, JD is the president of Eagle Forum. Kris served as Executive Director of Eagle Forum’s D.C. office from 1995-1998. She has served on the Eagle Forum Board of Directors since 2017.
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