Let’s be clear, Jacob Riis and Park Avenue are just symbols. The point is, there is one reality for the rich and powerful, and another for the powerless, and that is wrong and unjust.
So be outraged at the injustice, get active, get loud, organize, mobilize. Use your voice, use your vote.
Change doesn’t just happen. Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King said, “Change does not roll on the wheels of inevitability but comes through continuous struggle.”
So, remember Jacob Riis, remember his book, remember the Jacob Riis homes, remember Reverend Clarence Norman, Sr., remember Governor Mario Cuomo. Remember the danger of complacency, remember the power of the truth, and remember change starts with you. Let's do it together.
Once again, thank you for your support and your friendship.
Very Truly Yours,
Governor Andrew Cuomo