Hi John,

– First, extreme MAGA Republicans tried – and FAILED – to overturn the 2020 election.

– Then, they proposed a budget to decimate Social Security and Medicare.

– Now, Team Extreme could attempt to buy this election by flooding the airwaves with their $55.9 MILLION.

John, there is nothing I’d like more than to watch extreme MAGA Republicans lose once and for all in November.

I cannot overstate the urgency of this situation.

If we want to end any chance extreme MAGA Republicans have of hanging onto control of the House, I need every single supporter to step up and do their part. I’m asking 18,897 Democrats to secure their 2024 Democratic Membership status before midnight. Can I count on your support for the DCCC, John? I cannot tell you how much your support would mean to me in this critical moment. >>

I need to be clear, John:

After extreme MAGA Republicans tried to overturn the 2020 election because they couldn’t accept defeat...

After Team Extreme attempted to decimate Social Security and Medicare...

After the so-called moderate House Republicans sided with insurrectionists and announced their support for the twice-impeached former president...

I need strong Democrats like you to prove we will never bend the knee to those who want to destroy our democracy and take away our freedom.

If we don’t hit our goal in the next 12 hours, the DCCC might not have the resources to compete with Team Extreme’s $55.9 million war chest. We just checked ActBlue, and House Democrats need 18,897 supporters to chip in $3 before midnight to hit their goal and shut down Republican attacks. Can I count on you, John? >>

If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Chip in $1 immediately >>
Chip in $35 immediately >>
Chip in $50 immediately >>
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Or chip in another amount >>

Keep the faith,


Chip in a monthly recurring $5 to elect House Dems >>

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