New York Times Editorial Board Casts Shadow in Future Coverage
The New York Times Editorial Board released a major editorial contribution "The America We Need" on Thursday.
This is the type of piece that often serves as a bellwether for what is to come with media coverage, so we don't want to underestimate the importance here. Whether you like The New York Times or don't, this development matters.
There were a few "gee whiz" moments in the op-ed:
"If individual income had kept pace with overall economic growth since 1970, Americans in the bottom 90 percent of the income distribution would be making an extra $12,000 per year, on average."
"The larger project, however, is to increase the resilience of American society. Generations of federal policymakers have prioritized the pursuit of economic growth with scant regard for stability or distribution. This moment demands a restoration of the national commitment to a richer conception of freedom: economic security and equality of opportunity."
The Times quite surprisingly doesn't specifically mention the topic of immigration, but the ripple effect will be undoubtedly seen in the overall news coverage of the future. Other media outlets will be picking up on this approach for sure.
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