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Below are today's updates on the District's response to the coronavirus pandemic. For the latest and most comprehensive information always visit

Mayor's Guidance on Grocery Stores and Masks

The Mayor issued an order on social distancing protocols at indoor retail food sellers, like grocery stores and convenience stores. Among the provisions, retail food sellers will have to post signs at each entrance instructing all customers to wear a mask or mouth covering. (Check the CDC for helpful information on making or fashioning your own mask at home) Further, the order asks that stores create one-way aisles where possible and limit the number of people who can be in the store at one time. Stores must also provide adequate hand sanitizers or disinfecting wipes at all entry and exit ways and throughout the store. By April 20, 2020, stores generally serving more than 50 people in a day must install plexiglass or plastic dividers between customers and employees. 

How to Get Tested

DC residents can get tested for coronavirus using the following resources:
  • Telephone your doctor or medical provider 
  • Telephone hotline in English: 1-855-363-0333
  • Telephone hotline in English & Spanish: 1-844-796-2797

Mayor Asks National Park Service to Close Some Roads in Parks

Mayor Bowser mentioned today that she has sent a letter to the National Park Service to close some roads in Rock Creek Park, Fort Dupont Park, and Anacostia Park.

Good Food Market Food Bank - Saturday, April 11

DCPS Learning at Home Videos

For elementary families, DCPS “Fun with Phonics” lessons are now available on TV every weekday from 9:30 to 11:00 am and then again from 1:00 to 2:30 pm These videos are a great way for your student to continue to develop early literacy skills and are available on Comcast (Channel 99), RCN (Channel 18), Verizon (Channel 12), or on the DCPS YouTube channel

Langdon Elementary Students Celebrate Our Medical Superheroes

Langdon Elementary 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders came together through art to show their support for our ‘medial superheroes!' 

Think Local First Webinar: Understnaindg New Forms of Business Relief - April 16

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