WATCH: Autumn Lectures 2023 – Episode 3

The image of God

Dear supporter,

The third episode of the Autumn Lectures series from The Christian Institute is now available to watch online.

The image of God

Video: The image of God

Human beings are like God in so many ways, with our rationality, organisation, creativity and more. The ‘image of God’ cannot be reduced to one particular characteristic of man, but reflects humanity’s very nature. Therefore, all people should be treated with unique dignity and respect. This has profound implications for the whole of human ethics.

Dr Calum MacKellar  

Dr Calum MacKellar is the Director of Research with a bioethics charity in Edinburgh and a Visiting Professor of Bioethics at St Mary’s University in London.


Yours in Christ,
Ciarán Kelly
Ciarán Kelly
Acting Director
The Christian Institute

The 2023 Autumn Lectures were held between 30 October and 27 November 2023 at Elswick Parish Church, Newcastle upon Tyne.