As the U.S. enters the 4th week of the Coronavirus crisis, this pandemic is far from over, but we are making progress.
Progress is being made towards slowing the spread of this deadly virus.
Progress is being made towards treating this deadly virus.
Progress is being made towards finding a vaccine.
And President Trump is trying to make progress to re-open the American economy.
These aspects are critical in getting through this global pandemic, not only for our nation, but for the entire world.
President Trump and the Coronavirus Task Force have worked tirelessly in combatting this deadly virus, doing everything in their power to help slow the spread.
And despite little to no help from the World Health Organization, we have begun to do so. Across the US, major hotspots where the virus has taken a large toll, are starting to see positive results. Not only in terms of reduced new cases, but also in terms of treatment. Hydroxychloroquine, along with azithromycin and zinc, is being deployed to treat the virus and the initial results are incredibly positive.
This is just one of, hopefully many, treatments that will be found or created to combat this deadly virus. This, along with continued progress towards the production of a much-needed vaccine, should give all Americans hope.
The Trump Administration is doing their part; now it's time for us to do our part. The following is an extensive timeline of the White House’s response to the outbreak of COVID-19 since early January. This timeline will continue to be updated as more actions are documented...
This week the Department of Labor released updated unemployment numbers, that although expected as a result of the continued Coronavirus crisis, sent shockwaves across the country.
Now entering the third week of a necessary nationwide shutdown, unemployment claims have skyrocketed. There have been over 16.5 million initial unemployment fillings over the past 3 weeks, with more expected the longer we continue to shelter in place.
We’ll say again: 16.5 million Americans have filed for unemployment over the past 3 weeks, with more expected to lose their jobs every single day.
While the Trump Administration continues to do all that they can to stop the spread of the deadly Coronavirus and re-open the American economy, they can't do it alone. Now is the time that we, the American people, must do all that we can to support our President and our country. Especially when the left and the media attack him every time he tries to say we need to get Americans back to work.
It's time to begin planning to re-open the American economy.
Stimulus packages cannot and will not sustain us for the long run, the only thing that can and will stop the impending recession, and potential depression, is getting the American people back to work.
And we’re ready to help do so...
Below is a letter to the President, outlining key questions and concerns for the administration – all aimed at re-opening the American economy.
We would greatly appreciate it if you would take time out of your day to sign the letter and answer some related key questions.
You doing so helps us better serve you, along with allowing us to better communicate your questions and concerns to the Administration.
Thank you. Please read and then enter the information to sign this letter to President Trump on Balancing Coronavirus with the Economy....
While the Trump Administration does all that it can to stop the spread of the Coronavirus, the American economy has reached a pivotal point.
In conjunction with well thought out & defined safety measures, we MUST let the American people get back to work.
“Most of the country is healthy, but it won’t be if we don’t find a way to move toward normalcy...” We are cowering from fear of COVID-19, but quarantine is not a cure to end the virus. The extreme measures currently being taken to shut down our nation in order to flee a virus will have grave consequences long after the quarantine ends....
ICYMI: Our Founder, Jenny Beth Martin, had her op-ed published in USA Today, defending the President's firing of Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson.
“Presidents, like other executives, are responsible for the actions and decisions of the personnel they hire...”
President Donald Trump was well within his rights to fire Michael Atkinson, the Intelligence Community Inspector General....
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