From PPI Progress Report <[email protected]>
Subject A Tale of Two Parties; Trump is Using the Defense Production Act Wrong
Date April 10, 2020 8:26 PM
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PLUS: COVID-19 is making it clear: We must re-think how we teach students, and reinvent our American education system. Friday, April 10, 2020 Contact: Carter Christensen, [email protected] A Tale of Two Parties by Will Marshall, PPI President The 2020 presidential election, like almost everything else, hangs in suspended animation as Americans ride out the coronavirus pandemic. When it resumes, we will learn more about whether another kind of contagion—illiberal populism—is advancing or retreating here. READ MORE ICYMI: America Needs to Mobilize its Medical Production by Arielle Kane, Director of Health Care In order to save lives and mitigate the impacts of the economic shutdown, there is an acute need for national direction to orchestrate and coordinate medical supply production — and it needs to happen quickly. READ MORE ICYMI: Expanding Postal Voting to Preserve Democratic Institutions During the COVID-19 Crisis by Colin Mortimer, Director of the Neoliberal Project Elections have been thrown into doubt as COVID-19 continues to spread throughout the United States. There is good reason to be worried; these elections represent a unique threat to public health. However, action needs to be taken to ensure that the legitimacy of these elections is not jeopardized. READ MORE Public Education in the Age of Coronavirus: We Need Swift Boats, Not Ocean Liners by David Osborne, Director of the Reinventing America's Schools Project The new virus has once again shown us how badly we need swift boats, not ocean liners. It is high time we reinvented our public school systems. READ MORE Why Netflix and YouTube Aren’t Breaking the Internet in the United States by Alec Stapp, Director of Technology Policy As broadband networks around the world start to creak under the weight of work from home and other social distancing practices, it is a bit surprising that one country has been left out of the headlines: the United States. We’ve been told for years that our broadband infrastructure is poor and that we pay too much for too little service. Look to Europe, they said. Maintain Title II regulation (“net neutrality”) or it will be the end of the internet as we know it, they said. READ MORE Trump Is Using the Defense Production Act All Wrong by Alec Stapp, Director of Technology Policy The White House and the Centers for Disease Control are recommending that all Americans wear cloth face masks in public to slow the spread of Covid-19. While cloth masks are an effective stopgap measure to help preserve supply of more effective medical masks for our healthcare workers, they are just that: a stopgap. READ MORE AVAILABLE ON ALL MAJOR PODCAST PROVIDERS APPLE PODCASTS • STITCHER • PATREON The Progressive Policy Institute is a catalyst for policy innovation and political reform based in Washington, D.C. Its mission is to create radically pragmatic ideas for moving America beyond ideological and partisan deadlock. Join us on Facebook or Twitter on the road to November 2020. ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ Progressive Policy Institute | 1200 New Hampshire Ave. NW, Suite 575, Washington, DC 20036 Unsubscribe [email protected] Update Profile | About Constant Contact Sent by [email protected] in collaboration with Try email marketing for free today!
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