So, you might have noticed that there’s a lot going on right now, but we wanted to make sure you didn’t miss Emi’s email from last week, or the opportunity to share your story with us.

If you’re upset about the Trump administration’s botched response to the outbreak of coronavirus, are hard at work on the frontlines keeping our families safe and healthy and our pantries stocked, or are missing work and pay because of the pandemic, we want to hear from you.

If even a few more people speak out and make their voice heard, it will go a long way to holding the Trump administration and their allies in Congress accountable for their failures.

Thanks for fighting alongside us --

The PeopleGreater Team

---------- Forwarded Message ----------

From: Emi from PeopleGreater <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, March 30th, 2020 at 6:20 PM
Subject: your coronavirus story

Hey friend, me again --

I just wanted to touch base again because this month has been absolutely bananas.

Between the Trump administration’s dangerously incompetent response to coronavirus, the overwhelming spread of disinformation on the pandemic, and watching states use the outbreak as an excuse to strip away reproductive rights, immigration rights, and so much more, it’s been a really scary month as well.

And I know I’m not experiencing this alone (even though I am following social distancing guidelines). So many folks reached out when I checked in a few weeks ago to let me know what’s keeping them going. To share paintings they’re working on, songs they’re listening to, stories about their experiences. It really helped me see that people are greater than this challenge, especially when working together.

So, I’m wondering: if your life or livelihood has been impacted by the outbreak of coronavirus, can you share your story using this tool from PeopleGreater’s partner, Tax March?

Stories are powerfully important tools that help us feel connected -- and that is so important, especially in this time of distance and isolation.

You can also make your voice heard by responding to this email with a photo, video, voice recording, or just a plain ole text reply. It doesn’t matter which method you use -- I would just love to hear your story.

Share your coronavirus experience now.

We will get through this. The whole PeopleGreater team is so glad you’re in this fight with us.

In solidarity --

Emi and the PeopleGreater Team

P.S. -- Also, if you or someone you know is working on the frontlines of this crisis, we want to hear from you (and them), too. Share your story, video, photo -- we need to lift up stories like these so people see the impact of this crisis.