Dear Supporter,
We don't normally email our supporters on a Sunday, but today is a
little different.
In just a few hours, Government debt – how much Grant
Robertson, and now Nicola Willis have borrowed on behalf of New
Zealanders – will hit $90,000 per household.
It's your household's official "$90k
Day" 🎉 👀
we launched our huge National Debt Clock outside Parliament during
the election campaign last year, the debt was just (!?)
$80,000 per household.
Eight months
later, Wellington's extra borrowing means your household (and every
other New Zealand household) owes lenders another
Don't believe me? Head
over to the New Zealand Government Debt Clock website. The website
uses the official Government statistics and six-monthly updates put
out by The Treasury.
At 9:58 tonight,
your household's share will hit exactly $90k – the highest its ever
And it's not slowing down.

If you needed convincing that Nicola Willis needs to cut
Wellington's cloth to fit economic reality, this is surely it.
This year, the
interest costs on the existing debt are $4,400 per household. That's
three times what we spend on the Police.
why I'm asking you to join me in our fight to ensure Wellington cuts
wasteful spending and 'Stops The Clock' before it is too late.
Soon the interest
costs will exceed the amounts spent on the entire school and early
childhood education systems. Treasury says that by
2028 interest costs will be near $6,000 per household.
In fact, the Government's spending is now so inflated, in December
Treasury announced that we're now in a "structural deficit" situation
(as opposed to just a "cyclical deficit" caused by the recession).
That means that, unless major decisions are taken, even when the
economy recovers, the Government will still be borrowing to cover
day-to-day bills.
We need to get the books back in the
black and 'Stop the Clock' before it's too late ⏰ 💣
Government debt is the national equivalent of kicking the can
down the road, but eventually, you run out of road.
On the one hand,
Nicola Willis needs to deliver tax relief in this month's Budget to
deliver the much-needed income boost to struggling
families. But unless major
savings are taken on the spending side of the Budget
deficits will continue to mean more debt. More debt means more tax
(and economic pain) tomorrow.
Like living paycheck to paycheck – one unexpected expense,
and you're in trouble. As Matthew Hooton recently put it
in his NZ Herald column:
Without greater urgency, NZ is
doomed to a downhill spiral from 2030, similar to Argentina’s collapse
from one of the richest countries in the world to basket case in the
20th century.
As recently as the 1930s, the
average Argentinian was better off than most people in Europe, North
America or Australasia. Sophisticated Parisians aimed to be “aussi
riche qu’un Argentin” – as rich as an Argentinian.
Confident that once a rich country
always a rich country, Argentina failed in the following decades to
respond to changing trading conditions and improve productivity. After
World War II, like NZ in 2008, Argentina had almost no debt, so began
borrowing to hide its declining competitiveness.
Initially modest, its debt tripled
from 20 per cent of GDP to over 60 per cent from 1975 to 1985,
prompting a major debt crisis after lenders lost
There's no mincing words. Right now we are on a path
towards a similar fiscal cliff. Official advice to the Government
could not be clearer. Tinkering isn't enough.
Even with the so-called 'cuts' we read so much about in
the media, Nicola Willis is on track to deliver a budget that spends
$30 billion more next year than Mr Robertson spent during the
COVID lockdowns!
am asking for your support now so that we can 'Stop The Clock' and
avoid the your household's debt bill getting to $100,000, $150,000 or
even $200,000.
We need to educate voters – so
the politicians are forced to take the tough, but necessary decisions.
Delay will mean the trade-offs become impossible 💣
It won't be the media who blow the whistle on this. They're too
busy bemoaning the "cultural liaison officers" and "social media
advisors" losing their jobs.
Leaving it to Maiki Sherman to force voters to think about the
fiscal challenges ahead is not an option. Only
the Taxpayers' Union can shift public opinion and ensure the
decision makers (and the media) acknowledge the economic
The Government will borrow $37.63 on behalf of your
household just for today. Would
you consider chipping in just that amount so we can stop
Or will you cover the amount borrowed on your household's behalf for
just this weekend. Or if you agree that things are urgent, please
consider the $263.41 share of new debt for the last
After all, we'll all eventually be paying it anyway (or our kids
will be) with interest...
Your investment
now means we can get the Debt Clock back on the road, raise public
awareness, and force MPs to Stop the Clock!
Are you with me?
As tens of
thousands of Kiwis head overseas, I for one have not lost faith in New
Zealand's prospects. I'm invested in New Zealand and want my kids to
choose to stay here. But protecting our economic wellbeing is never a
sure thing. That's why you and thousands of others support the work of
the Taxpayers' Union. Can I count on your
support us again today?
Thank you for your support.
 David Farrar Co-founder New
Zealand Taxpayers' Union
ps. Your
support means that the Taxpayers'
Union can be a strong voice for taxpayers to fix the mess left by
the last Government and counter all of those in the media calling for
even more debt, deficit spending, and borrow-and-hope economic
vandalism. Together we have to fight for balanced budgets and Stop The
Clock. Thank you for your support.