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Friday April 10th, 2020

Dear %%FIRST NAME%%,

I hope you and your family are staying safe and healthy, and let me wish you a very Happy Passover and Happy Easter to those who celebrate, on behalf of the entire Jason Lewis for Senate campaign.

Reaching Voters Virtually, All Across the State!

Running a Senate campaign while having to observe social distancing certainly is a unique challenge. But from 
airing a new TV commercial this week to speaking virtually with thousands of voters across the state, our team is meeting that challenge head on!

Since this lockdown started, Jason has been hosting countless virtual meetings with voters all around the state. On Saturday alone, Jason participated in TWENTY virtual conferences of our Republican Party’s Basic Political Operating Units.


Tina Smith: COVID-19 has Proven she’s Unfit to Hold Office

This pandemic has exposed once again how Tina Smith is unfit to hold office and represent Minnesota. Unfortunately, Tina blocked voting on the COVID-19 relief bill not once but TWICE. All so Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi could try to work in funding for the Kennedy Center and provisions of the Green New Deal in a bill that was supposed to help American families and businesses.
Then, she even had the gall to go on MSNBC and called the President a “pretender” in criticizing his response to the virus.
But Jason Lewis is fighting back.

We’re on TV!

This week, our campaign went on television with a new commercial called
“America First” and can be viewed by clicking here.

Look - this virus started in China, and it is now as widespread as it is because of the communist Chinese government’s lies and ineptitude. We shouldn’t be afraid to say that, and Jason Lewis certainly isn’t.

Since we started this campaign back in August, Jason has been talking about the need to end outsourcing to China and he’s been talking about the need to bring key industries like manufacturing, medicine/medical supplies, and mineral mining back home to the United States and Minnesota. It’s unacceptable to be dependent on China in the midst of this crisis.

In the News!

But don’t take it from me, read what Jason had to say about it in a recent
Pioneer Press op-ed.

And don’t forget - Tina Smith takes money from companies that outsource jobs to China, so it will be more of the same if she is re-elected. That’s why we’re working so hard to elect Jason.

This week we also saw Governor Walz extend the statewide lockdown until May 4th, and COUNTLESS families and small businesses continue to suffer.

Jason has been very clear that this is an overreach, and he is standing up for families and small businesses. He wrote an
Op-Ed in the Mankato Free Press this week which talks about how flattening the curve/protecting the vulnerable, and gradually re-opening the economy in a safe way are NOT binary choices! Click here to read more.

Stay Involved!

While most of us are having to stay at home these days, that means it’s a perfect opportunity to get involved and help Donald Trump & Jason Lewis!

CLICK HERE to sign up to make phone calls from home for President Trump & Jason Lewis, and a member from our team will be in touch with more info. 

Additionally, by
CLICKING HERE, you can sign up to help from home in other ways- including writing letters to the editor and signing up to be a member of one of our campaign coalitions.

We will get through this challenge together and stronger than we were before, and be back to business in no time. In the interim, our campaign continues to work hard and your continued support is both vital and appreciated.

Thank you so much, and have a safe and blessed holiday weekend.

Tom Szymanski
Campaign Manager
Jason Lewis for Senate


Paid for by Jason Lewis for Senate

Jason Lewis for Senate
PO Box 4515
St. Paul, MN 55104

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