Andrei has worked over 20 years to lower the cost of Medicare prescriptions, and in Congress, he’ll fight to keep the promise of Social Security and Medicare for every generation.

Paid for by Andrei for Arizona

John — David Schweikert wants to rip the safety net out from under older Americans.

Earlier this year, Schweikert’s GOP study committee released its latest proposal to gut Social Security and Medicare.

And it gets worse. Schweikert’s plan also includes removing the $35/month cap on insulin, stopping Medicare from negotiating lower drug prices, and repealing the $2,000 out-of-pocket cap.

All of this is because when it comes to priorities, Schweikert would rather protect Big Pharma’s profits than aging Arizonans’ health care.

He’s taken more than $260,000 from the prescription drug industry, and he’ll put them first at any expense.

Andrei has worked for over 20 years to lower the cost of Medicare prescriptions, and in Congress, he’ll fight to keep the promise of Social Security and Medicare for every generation.

Can you pitch in $10 or more today to support Andrei’s fight to save Social Security and Medicare? Caring for our elders should be a priority, not Big Pharma profits.

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Andrei for Arizona