I'm just back from Geneva where yet again, the CitizenGO team was right at the heart of the action as the final rounds of talks on the Pandemic Treaty wrapped up.
It was crucial to be there at such a significant moment when the very fate of our freedoms was hanging in the balance.
The team was back with full force - dedicated to bringing your voice to the United Nations, opposing the final and decisive steps in the Pandemic Treaty process.
Got a few minutes? I'd love to catch you up on everything that's happened and give you the latest on where we stand in our ongoing fight against the totalitarian Pandemic Treaty.
But first, check out the video of the CitizenGO team’s actions, outside the United Nations and World Health Organization Headquarters in Geneva:

It was a beautiful, sunny day here in Geneva, but the tension in the air was noticeable.
As you know, the Globalists are in a mad rush to seal this Pandemic Treaty. Why?
They're terrified of losing, especially with CitizenGO and millions of citizens worldwide breathing down their necks. It's their fear that's driving them to push so hard.
What’s more, delegates were forced to cross a sea of blue CitizenGO banners, which boldly exposed the elites and the Treaty for what they were—a totalitarian power grab!
A wave of blue CitizenGO banners flooded the United Nations yet … AGAIN!.
Check out these and all other pictures here.
Where are we now?
Negotiators were hoping to have a final draft agreement by the end of Friday (10th May), with a view to adopting the legally binding text at the World Health Assembly later this month.
In fact, the negotiations process should have concluded back in April, at the ninth and final session - such was the official agenda.
The emergency meeting this week should never have taken place. They threw it in there because they are severely behind schedule and lack consensus and a final accord.
And now, guess what? With this meeting behind us too, it still wasn’t enough.
As negotiations stretched into late hours, it became evident that reaching a consensus was not going to happen, and that they would need to buy more time.
Negotiation rounds will now continue right up until the very last minute, i.e., until the deadline of 27th May, when member states will convene at the World Health Assembly to adopt the Treaty.
Yet again, instead of postponing the negotiations beyond the deadline, the WHO showed their true intentions - they are beyond desperate to get this through.
What we should be asking ourselves is WHY? Why the sudden rush? What are they planning, that they’re not telling us?
A similar situation happened with the amendments to the International Health Regulations - the parallel document that the WHO is desperately trying to ratify.
A revised version of the proposed amendments was supposed to be circulated on May 10. However, a new version of the amendments has still NOT been made publicly available, with just days left until its vote!
You may be asking yourself, is there good news in all of this?
Well, part of the reason for their desperation and untimely progress is thanks to the relentless pressure from you and millions globally.
They didn’t have it as easy as they thought they would, and now they have started to fall short in some areas of the Treaty.
They have watered down language that implies tough censorship measures and have even gone out to claim that the accord doesn't mean it applies to everyone - which we know is a lie.
Not only that, but there is also discord among nations regarding economic elements, distribution factors and other discrepancies across state interests.
More and more countries are also beginning to question the necessity of the treaty.
The UK interestingly announced it would vote against it unless the rules about vaccine product distribution are changed - and they were not alone.
Meanwhile, citizens' protests calling their governments not to sign the Treaty have sparked in several countries worldwide in recent weeks.
Of course, this is all good news, because anything that stalls the Treaty, is a step closer to freedom.
But what lies ahead now?
While the treaty draft has undergone some minor changes and has watered-down language, everything we are fighting against is still in the document!
The essence of it remains - the WHO is outlandishly working to establish a totalitarian hold on our public health.
They are trying to put us in this perpetual state of pandemic, while at the same time, continuing to push global surveillance and whatever controls necessary on us.
Make no mistake - the WHO’s intentions remain the same and the Treaty provides the first stepping stone towards an unprecedented power grab.
They want it badly!

Your continued support is more important than ever as we gear up for the final decision on May 27th.
We have no choice but to keep this energy going and make sure they hear us louder than ever.
The WHO and its allies will continue to push on and push hard!
I see it more and more—they are looking fragile, and it is our opportunity to hit them where it hurts—right before the finish line!
The stakes are higher than ever.
You and I do not have a choice here. It is our freedoms that are on the line. Let’s join forces and give these globalist elites a deserved kick in the teeth.
Last but not least, a massive thank you!
It is your constant support and generosity that are driving us through this difficult time—an unprecedented moment in our history, when we find ourselves having to fight back to preserve our basic freedoms.
Thanks to you, our message thunders through the UN corridors, as it did again this week.
And trust me, it will torment globalists next week at the World Health Assembly, where the CitizenGO will mobilize with full force to stall this project.
Rest assured that, spirited by your support, we will do everything we can to oppose the Pandemic Treaty as voting day draws scarily near.
For now, please stay alert and stay tuned, as we take on this monumental challenge next week.
Thank you for your unwavering support.
Sebastian, Matilde, Manuel, Lauren, Agustin, and the entire CitizenGO team behind this crucial battle
PS: We're nearing the final hurdle, but we haven’t won yet — the vote on the Pandemic Treaty is almost upon us, and this is truly our last chance to influence the outcome. Your support is critical now more than ever. Every contribution empowers us to stand strong at this decisive moment. Together, we can ensure our voices echo powerfully through the halls of power as we face this last challenge. Thank you for your continued courage and commitment alongside CitizenGO. Our collective action can still shape a safer and freer future for us all. Please consider making a donation to help us make this final push.