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Friend --
The last two weeks have felt like a sprint between
Council committee hearings and votes on next year's budget. But I was
excited to still have time to connect with Banner Lane residents
moving back home after the their new affordable homes were built at
Sursum Corda. It was a special opportunity to welcome them back - a
long process that started with a community partnership and a promise -
and it also calls for a big thanks to Lonnie Duren who has stood with
me to advocate and fight for that community for many years.
The budget is starting to take shape, and there are some really
exciting investments for Ward 6 neighbors already, with more to come.
Check out the highlights below for what we're delivering in your
neighborhoods. Also, check out the public safety section, and if
you're free on Monday evening, snag a free ticket to join me for a
conversation with Dr. Laura Meyers, CEO of Planned Parenthood of
Metropolitan Washington, where we'll talk about the landscape for
reproductive rights in DC and beyond.
Alright, let's jump in.
Quick Links: Budget Updates | Budget Work Remaining | Public Safety | Historic
Transit Moment | Better Bus 2.0 | Fare Evasion Down | Weekend Rec Centers | How
to Vote | Southwest Town Center
| Garfield Park | Composting Pilot | Live
Jazz at Eastern Market Metro Park | Tickets
| Remembering Nate Bell
Budget Town Hall Rescheduled & Ward 6 Budget Wins So Far
Last week, the Council's 11 various committees finished their
budget work, and everyone voted to advance their recommendations to
the full Council. Already, there's a lot of improvement over what the
Mayor had proposed. I want to thank everyone for understanding our
last-minute cancellation of the Ward 6 Budget Town Hall. Our
colleague, Nate Bell, was seriously injured the night before, and
sadly, he passed away a few days later. I've included some
remembrances of him at the bottom of this email, including of his love
for his city and Ward 6.
We have a new date for our Ward 6 Budget
Town Hall -- Thursday,
June 6 from 6 to 7:30 pm at the Northeast Branch Library. I hope
you can join me. We'll be close to the Council taking its first vote
the following week, so the feedback on what you like and don't like
will be very timely.
I'd like to share a few big picture wins for the District as a
whole so far in the budget process, and then turn to items I've
secured new funding for in Ward 6.
Pay Equity Fund to Raise Wages for Child Care
Employees: This is probably the biggest source of calls,
emails, and drop-ins so far. I helped created the Pay
Equity Fund in FY22, but unfortunately, the Mayor slashed funding
this year. Hundreds of you reached out to me about this and I know you
agree that these dollars are crucial to raise wages for our childcare
workers and support working families in Ward 6 and across DC. The
Council has restored about $53 million for this fund so far in the
budget process and will continue to look for ways to meet the rest of
the gap.
STEER Act Funding To Hold Dangerous Drivers
Accountable: First, I secured funding to hire new attorneys
at the Office of the Attorney General to go after drivers in Court
that keep racking up repeat dangerous driving infractions. These cases
can be brought no matter which state the driver and car are from.
Second, I've funded a provision installing speed governors in the cars
of people convicted of criminal reckless driving. These governors act
like ignition interlock devices for drivers with histories of DUIs,
but instead restrict your driving to the speed limit. They stay
installed for a year per offense once any license suspensions or
revocations expire.
Funds MPD's Hiring Budget: Just as in the past
four years, the Council is planning to approve MPD's full hiring
budget request. Under Chief Smith, we've seen recruitment increase,
and more cadets are making the transition into the department than
ever before.
A Quick List of Major Ward 6 Wins Delivered in the Budget
(So Far)
- Preserved funding and timing for Ward 6 school modernizations at
Brent, Amidon-Bowen, JO Wilson, Chisholm, and substantial renovations
at Ludlow-Taylor.
- Secured restored funding for several DCPS schools to avoid losing
staff positions and support school needs, including $371,955
for Stuart-Hobson, $253,140 for Ludlow-Taylor, $600,821 for
Walker-Jones, $522,764 for SWS@Goding, and more. This funding
helps ensure schools have what they're supposed to receive under the
Schools First in Budgeting law we had previously passed.
- Added $400,000 in both FY25 and FY26 for ongoing capital
maintenance and repairs at Eastern Market Metro
- Added an additional $1,700,000 in FY25 for Eastern
Market for the completion of the bollards installation safety
project, chilled water piping replacement, and stabilization of hot
water piping.
- Identified $81,000 to fund weekend security coverage at
Eastern Market.
- Funded a new $100,000 grant through the Office of LGBTQ Affairs to
preserve LGBTQ nightlife and retail establishments
along DC Main Street retail corridors in Ward 6, including Barracks
- Includes $1.5 million for a new field at Greenleaf Rec
Center in Southwest.
- Enhanced the existing Department of Parks and Recreation grant I
created in FY22 for Eastern Market Metro Park
programming to create a new Park Manager position. This
person will be responsible for managing maintenance, repairs,
activation, and programming with relevant agencies, Main Streets, and
the Capitol Hill BID. This is the same grant bringing live
music back to the park!
- Funded new Safe Passage grants to improve safety for kids
getting to and from schools between the Potomac
Avenue and Eastern Market metro stations; this will support
students commuting to and from several schools in close proximity to
the stations, including Brent ES, Chisholm ES, Payne ES, Watkins ES,
Digital Pioneers Academy, Capitol Hill Day School, St. Peter School,
and Friendship PCS Chamberlain Campus.
- Restored the Mayor's cuts to the FRESHFARM
FoodPrints program to provide farming, cooking, and
nutrition curriculum at DC public schools. FoodPrints serves
many Ward 6 schools, including Ludlow-Taylor, Payne, Peabody, School
Within School, Amidon-Bowen, and Watkins.
I've secured funding for several new initiatives for the H Street
NE corridor:
- A new $350,000 grant to work with our local businesses to
create corridor and vacant storefront activation, events, and arts and
cultural programming to boost foot traffic and
- We also extended the Department of Buildings’ new Pop-Up
Permits Program from the current boundaries of only
Downtown to now along the H St NE corridor – this new program speeds
up permitting to activate vacant buildings. This is a way to
fast-track getting empty storefronts back in business.
- And funding was approved for my legislation to install
private security cameras and other tools like glassbreak sensors
inside small businesses – this bill was introduced after a
series of break-ins at H Street restaurants to cover the cost of
improved security.
Budget Areas Where Improvement is Needed
Finally, there are still a few priorities I'd like to see addressed
by the full Council. I'll quickly touch on three of them:
Department of Forensic Sciences / Crime Lab: In the
wake of the recent mass resignation of the oversight board for DFS
over concerns of transparency and effectiveness, it highlighted the
need for the reform law for DC's crime lab to be funded and
implemented. This is a bill I wrote and led the Council to pass while
Chair of the Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety. It will
improve how our crime lab actually works in helping secure justice and
accountability, and avoid slipping right back into what caused it to
lose accreditation in the first place. We need to fund this law in the
weeks ahead.
Access to Justice: This is the DC government's highly
effective investment in providing civil legal services to low-income
residents, ranging from representation in landlord-tenant court to
assistance with probate and wills to custody. I know it remains an
area where Chairman Mendelson wants to find additional funding. These
small investments head off big expenses down the
Restore Cuts to the Earned Income Tax Credit: The
Mayor's budget reduced how much money the District provides in tax
returns through the Earned Income Tax Credit. This is effectively a
tax increase on working parents who don't earn a lot of money - one
that will hit tens of thousands of households. It might be tough to
unwind the cut, but I think it should be seriously examined by the
Increase the Small Retailer Property Tax Rebate: In
2018, I worked with Chairman Mendelson to create a simple $5,000 tax
rebate for our small and local businesses to help afford rising rents.
It has remained at the same level through the pandemic and the steep
rise of inflation since. I'd recommend as a simple and direct way to
support our local businesses that we double that amount. Given how
much funding in the budget is dedicated to downtown's recovery, this
is a small way to support the neighborhood businesses who form the
backbone of our communities.
In case you missed it, on Monday, I sent out a specific
update on budget changes recommended by the Committee on
Transportation and the Environment (or
get the quick hits on Instagram) to advance our efforts to fight
climate change and hold dangerous drivers accountable as part of the
budget recommendations by the Council's Committee on Transportation
and the Environment.
Public Safety Update
I want to spend time in this section looking at big
picture issues around public safety. Despite
significant reductions in crime year-to-date (homicides are down 50%
in Ward 6), DC has a lot of work ahead of us to truly get public
safety under control. Yes, crime is down significantly from last year
by the numbers. But that's little comfort when crime happens to you,
someone you know, or down your block. And, we're nowhere near where we
want to be. It remains the top priority for me and most Ward 6
There have been a lot of strawman arguments made about why crime
went up so drastically in DC last year. However, there's a
straightforward and simple explanation that's backed by data: in
recent years, fewer people arrested for a felony crime received a
felony conviction. The most important way to reduce crime is to
ensure swift and certain sentencing when someone breaks the law, and
that's just not happening after an arrest. Not because of our laws,
which are quite strong, but because when an arrest happens, there are
fewer prosecutions under those laws in our courts and a lot more plea
deals settling for lesser charges, including misdemeanors. This has a
downstream impact creating emboldened, repeat offenders.
I think there are three clear, systemic issues where we need
improvement to see long-term reductions:
1) The federal US Attorney's Office (USAO) is
securing fewer serious felony convictions than they were from
2014-2018. Thanks to the DC
Sentencing Commission's recently released annual report (the image
to the right is from the report), we have new insights into what
happens to cases after arrest. If you want to dive into the numbers,
Crime Facts analyzed the data. (As always, I share this post with
the caveat this is an anonymous writer sourcing everything to publicly
available data.) This analysis is alarming -- between dropped cases
and plea deals that lower punishments from felonies to misdemeanors,
only around 20 percent of people arrested with a gun faced a felony
conviction. No prosecutor can successfully secure a conviction rate of
100 percent, pleas deals will always be a part of the Court system,
and as the USAO has noted, there are valid reasons why cases may not
be able to move forward, but that's a tougher sell to community
members when we're talking about people arrested for illegal gun
possession. We're seeing DC's strong gun laws go underutilized after
years of increased violence, translating into hundreds of people being
caught with an illegal gun, arrested, and released. The whole post is
worth a read if you've got 20 minutes. Either way, our prosecution
rate is lagging behind on the number of felonies secured for violent,
non-violent, and drug crimes compared to what the same office was
doing as recently as 2018.
Notably, for all of the concern about DC's carjacking laws in the
past few years, there were only seven sentences for adult carjacking
from January to September last year. Seven in a year where we had an
increase of nearly 70 percent! It won't matter what the maximum
penalty might be if the law doesn't lead to a conviction.
2) The failed crime lab remains a bottleneck delaying
accountability. It was welcome news that at the end of last
year when the DC
Department of Forensic Sciences (the "crime lab") regained
accreditation to process *some* evidence from crime scenes, most
notably drug-related. When the lab lost accreditation in 2021 for
covering up errors, drug prosecutions fell off a cliff. Having the lab
back in the game helps more drug prosecutions move forward - in the
last two years, we've lost more than 900 people to fatal overdoses.
However, there's no timeline for when the lab might be reaccredited to
handle firearms. That's a huge problem as it clearly forces
prosecutors to triage and prioritize cases based on lab availability,
not the merits of the case. And, to be fair to the USAO after the
critique above, certainly the crime lab's collapse is a serious
explanation for some of the drops in prosecutions. As a reminder, I
wrote a law passed
by the Council to improve oversight at the lab and prevent another
coverup and that is on my short list for funding before the Council
finalizes the budget. Last year, the Mayor tried to repeal the law in
her budget proposal, but the Council blocked her actions.
3) DC Superior Court is missing 20 percent of its judges.
Blame the US Senate, past and present. Every judge at our
local court must be nominated by the President and confirmed by the
Senate. No, this doesn't happen anywhere else. Vacancies have been a
red alarm for years (in 2022, I wrote
this letter with my colleagues to President Biden and US Senate
President Chuck Schumer, and he then advanced a number of nominees
now serving). In fact, it has been 11 years since our local courts had
a full bench. This is a serious issue - judges are moving at a
breakneck pace through far too many cases, and DC residents are
waiting years for justice. The
issue was well-covered by NBC 4 in this story. It aired the same
day, ironically, that the US House passed a ridiculous bill
interfering with how DC can govern itself, proposing to limit
any changes to criminal
penalties (up or down). If Congress insists on denying DC residents
full representation through statehood, at the very least, it could
take useful steps within its control to improve public safety -- most
urgently by appointing judges to fill the vacancies.
Other Public Safety Items of Note:
What DC Police Learned About Luring Package Thieves. Good
piece on the innovative work out of our own Fifth District to tackle
porch pirates. More of this, please!
US Attorney's Office Announces 10 Arrested in Fentanyl and
Cocaine Distribution Conspiracy: This is great news. In a
multi-agency approach, USAO
announced yesterday there were 10 people arrested and charged in a
crew or gang working near 21st and Maryland, NE, including two
facing additional charges for a shooting in March. An excellent
example of local and federal law enforcement coordinating and working
together. This is a welcome disruption, and this group is likely
responsible for additional crimes and violence where evidence wasn't
as clear.
Ward 6 Public Safety Updates:
Historic Effort Underway to Solve Future of Regional Transit
At the start of the month, I co-chaired the
first-ever joint
meeting between the Council of Governments (essentially a
representative from every locally elected body in the region) and the
WMATA Board of Governors to kick off a year-long effort to reach
consensus on what the future of public transit looks like in the
region, including what could be a dedicated funding source for WMATA
and how to bring the region's 14 different public transit systems
together. WMATA has never had a dedicated funding source, unlike every
other major city transit system. That's why it feels like we careen
from crisis to crisis, including the most recent "doomsday" budget
WMATA had to release this winter in the event local jurisdictions
didn't provide additional funding. My hope is that, over the course of
the next six months, this group is moving fast toward progress. I
think we all share a recognition that WMATA and great public transit
are critical to our success as a region and in unlocking economic
Check out the Next Round of WMATA's Better Bus Project System
Redesign Plans
On Tuesday, WMATA officially released the next
round of its Better Bus Project Redesign plans. As a refresher, this
is WMATA's first major redesign of the entire bus network in a
generation. It's a massive undertaking. Last year, they released a
first draft, and took a lot of feedback from riders and residents (you
may recall we had a Ward 6 Bus Town Hall at Watkins to go over the
Ward 6 routes). This week, WMATA's team released their revisions and
based on my early review, are leaving serious gaps in bus service and
reductions in routes that would harm parts of our community. They're
soliciting feedback on the new designs, which include some significant
changes (I'll already note I've heard plenty of concern about getting
rid of the 96 bus). WMATA
has set up an interactive page where you can leave feedback on the
proposal and how it compares to existing routes. I'll be holding
another Ward 6 Bus Town Hall in mid-June - stay tuned for the
WMATA's New Gates Reduce Fare Evasion Significantly
In just the first month, new gates at the Waterfront Metro Station
in Southwest have reduced fare evasion from around 20% to 2% - about a
90% reduction. That's fantastic, and it follows similar reductions at
stations across the system that have installed the new higher gates -
with fare evasion reduced 70%+. This is common sense, and in 2018 when
WMATA was planning to spend $70 million dollars replacing every fare
gate in the system, I urged them to pursue a more modern design rather
than the old fare gate that was never very effective. That didn't
happen. But when the new WMATA General Manager started last year, they
made the improvements a priority and we're seeing those results. The
design matters. A lot. Glad we got there and that we're seeing the
significant reductions we are.
Why Aren't Our Rec Centers Open More on Weekends?
This week, my colleague Councilmember Trayon White held a public
hearing on my
bill to expand DPR's operating hours at our rec centers to include
weekends, with the goal of providing the community with safe places to
play and exercise, and doing so with the same predictability residents
expect from our libraries. You can watch
the hearing here. Here's
coverage on
ABC 7of
the bill from when it was first introduced.
Early Voting, Mail-In Voting Underway for 2024 Primary
Just a reminder that DC residents can cast your ballot in this
year's Primary Election. Remember that we still have in-person voting
on Election Day itself - June 4 - at centralized Vote Centers across
the District, but every registered voter also
will automatically get a ballot in their
mailbox. This was a change we made after COVID to modernize our
elections. And they're hitting mailboxes now!
Here are all the important dates you need to know:
Sunday, May 26 - Sunday, June 2 (but not Memorial Day),
8:30am-7pm: Early voting at Early Vote
Centers. Here's
the full list, and note the Ward 6 sites at Walker-Jones
MS/Terrell Rec, King-Greenleaf Rec, and Sherwood Rec (and Ward
6-adjacent sites at Rosedale Rec and Arthur Capper Community
Center). Remember that you can vote at any Vote
Center, regardless of your Ward residency.
Tuesday, June 4, 7am-8pm: Primary Election Day with
in-person voting at Vote Centers; postmark those mail-in ballots by
today! Here's
the full list of Election Day Vote Centers, including
nine in Ward 6. You can also vote at any Vote Center in the
District on Election Day.
Friday, June 14: Deadline for the Board of Elections
to receive the ballot you mailed in on or before June 4.
Make a plan to vote using this
cool map, view sample ballots, and ensure your registration is up
to date all in one place: https://dcboe.org/
Southwest Town Center DPR/DGS Meeting
The Southwest Town Center Parks are coming along, and our last
community meeting showed much improved designs. The next meeting,
scheduled for May 22 at 6:30pm, will present schematic drawings and
include additional details based on our previous meetings. Please plan
to join so we can ensure this park meets all of the interests and
needs of the neighborhood. The meeting will be at the Southwest
Garfield Park Construction DPR/DGS Meeting
Very welcome news! Construction is about to begin on upgrades to
Garfield Park. Please join the Department of Parks and Recreation
(DPR) and the Department of General Services (DGS) for a construction
kickoff meeting where we'll meet with the general contractor onsite
and go over the plans for the playground, park renovation, logistics,
and timeline for construction. The meeting will be on Wednesday May
29, 2024 from 6-7pm at Garfield Park Playground near 2nd St, F St,
& South Carolina Ave, SE.
For more information and to RSVP, please visit: garfield.splashthat.com
For additional information about the project, please visit:
DPW Composting & Get a Smart Bin Near You!
Curbside Composting Waitlist: If you have neighbors,
friends, or family interested in participating in the next phase of
the Curbside Composting Pilot Program, DPW's started a waitlist. They
can fill out this waitlist
form to be one of the first to hear about program updates and
mart Bin Interest List: DPW is working to install 30
"smart bins" throughout the District to provide 24/7 food waste
drop-off access to residents. Want to help determine where these smart
food waste bins will go? Fill out this interest
form to get involved.
Live Music Returns to Eastern Market Metro Park on Friday
One of the best warm weather traditions in Ward 6 is back: Live
Jazz at Eastern Market Metro Park on Friday evenings. It's just the
excuse you need to get out for some live music before enjoying dinner
nearby. Programming in the park is funded through a grant I created to
ensure we're activating the park and creating a welcoming space for
all. See you there! Full
schedule and new events coming soon, all on Barracks Row Main Street's
DC United Ticket Giveaway!
You made it to the end! Now, to the giveaway. This newsletter,
we're giving away two tickets to the June 1 DC United v. Toronto FC
match at 7:30pm at Audi Field. Just reply to this email, and we'll
enter you in the raffle.
Remembering Nate Bell
Finally, it’s with a heavy heart I share that Nate Bell on
our team tragically passed away at the top of the month. Born in DC
and now a Hill East resident, Nate was called to public service,
working for both Councilmember Bonds and Mayor Bowser before recently
joining our committee staff. He loved his city, and we’re going to
deeply miss him. We've had the chance to meet and visit with members
of his family, and it's clear from every conversation that Nate truly
loved our city and loved being of service to others.
See you around the neighborhood,
Charles Allen
