Thursday, May 23, 2014, 6pm EDT
In person at Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute at Hunter College and Zoom
"The New York Game: Baseball and the Rise of a New City”
with Kevin Baker and Jonathan Mahler

New York is where the baseball diamond was first laid out; the bunt and the curveball were invented; the home run was first hit. the game’s original stars were born and where everyone came to play or watch the game. In his new book, “The New York Game,” author, historian and Living New Deal NYC Director Kevin Baker illuminates the interwoven histories of the sport and the city, in conversation with author and journalist Jonathan Mahler. 
FREE. To attend in person: RSVP
Thursday, June 6, 2024, 6pm PDT
In person at the North Berkeley Public Library
with Sheryl Kaskowitz, Alexis Harte and Harvey Smith
Music scholar Sheryl Kaskowitz is author of A Chance to Harmonize: How FDR's Hidden Music Unit Sought to Save America from the Great Depression—One Song at a Time, about the little-known federal Music Unit that collected and archived American folk music during the Great Depression. Musician and producer Alexis Harte has penned Oscar-nominated and Emmy award-winning music and won the Peabody and Annie Awards. He is working on a film about the Berkeley Rose Garden and its New Deal roots based on his original song, “Your Rose Garden.” Living New Deal Project Advisor Harvey Smith is author of "Berkeley and the New Deal."
in conversation with David Taylor and Susan Demasi
The People's Recorder, launched in 2024, recounts stories of American life in the 1930s through interviews and recordings made by workers of the WPA’s Federal Writers’ Project. This webinar intertwines voices from the past with contemporary stories while exploring the FWP’s legacy—what it achieved, where it fell short, whose stories got told and what it means to America today.
David Taylor is writer and a producer of The People's Recorder from Spark Media. He wrote and co-produced the 2009 award-winning documentary "Soul of a People, Writing America’s Story,” directed by Andrea Kalin, about the origins of the FWP, in conversation with Susan Demasi, author of the 2017 biography, Henry Alsberg: The Driving Force of the New Deal Federal Writers’ Project. She is National Research Associate for the Living New Deal.
Saturday, June 22, 2024, 9am-5pm EDT
In Person at the FDR Presidential Library and Museum, Hyde Park
The Living New Deal Book Awards

The Living New Deal's annual New Deal Book Award recognizes outstanding nonfiction works about U.S. history in the New Deal era, 1933-1942. The award for books published in 2023 is shared by Brooke L. Blower, Americans in a World at War: Intimate Histories from the Crash of Pan Am’s Yankee Clipper, and Janneken Smucker, A New Deal for Quilts. Second prize goes to Derek Leebaert’s Unlikely Heroes, Franklin Roosevelt, His Four Lieutenants and the World They Made. The authors will be honored at the Roosevelt Reading Festival, held in the Henry A. Wallace Center.
FREE. Registration not required.
The Living New Deal documents the vast legacy the New Deal (1933-1942) left to America
and the spirit of public service that inspired it.
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The Living New Deal
University of California, Berkeley
PO Box 2148
Berkeley, California 94702
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