John, One dollar. 4 quarters. 20 nickels. It might not seem like it could make an impact, but I’m here to tell you differently: A $1 donation to the NDR PAC makes a real difference in our fight for fair maps. Here’s why: it’s not just a dollar. Every contribution — thousands of them from every corner of the country — adds up to ensure we have the resources to be successful. If every person reading this email donated just $1, we would be well on our way to fully funding our 2024 electoral priorities. Heck, if even HALF of the folks reading this email made a donation, it would make a huge difference! Our online records indicate that you haven’t made a donation to the NDR PAC just yet, and I just wanted to make sure you knew that a little can go a long way to help strengthen this team. I’m hoping you’ll believe me that every donation — even just $1 — is powerful. It’s powerful because it represents another person who believes enough in this movement to invest in it. Will you be one of those people who believes achieving fair maps can happen by making your first donation to the NDR PAC today?
I’m so honored to have you a part of this team — truly. — Marina *This is according to our records associated with this email address. If you’ve recently made a donation with a different email or in a different method, thank you so much! Please disregard the note.
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