Need to Impeach Logo



Our movement started with a simple petition: Add your name if you agree Donald Trump should be impeached for his crimes. 


That was October 19, 2017. 790 days and 8.5 million signatures later — our small Need to Impeach team in D.C. watched the House vote to impeach on the balcony of the House floor, as special guests of Speaker Nancy Pelosi. 


What happened between the launch and that vote is all because of you — you organized, called your representatives, wrote notecards to voters, knocked on doors, donated, and voted. We elected a Democratic Congress that could finally do the right thing and investigate Donald Trump for more than a dozen impeachable offenses we tracked over two years. We made history together, John. 


Now it’s time to finish what we started and get Trump out of office. Our founder, Tom Steyer, is dedicated to doing everything possible to make sure that happens between now and November 3rd. Your feedback on the work we did together will help guide our next steps — can you take a quick survey to share your thoughts?


Thank you for everything you did to keep the impeachment drumbeat going, even when it seemed like everyone was counting us out. We the people stood up and organized around the truth — and that’s always the right thing to do.


More to come, 


Nathaly Arriola
Executive Director
Need To Impeach


P.S. Don’t forget to take this short survey here. Your voice matters, and I can’t wait to read what you have to say.


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Paid for by Need to Impeach,, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.


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Need to Impeach
PO Box 538
San Francisco, CA 94104
United States