Folks, as our country struggles with an unprecedented public health crisis, we need to make sure we uphold democracy — and protect people’s safety at the same time.

While Donald Trump has been attacking vote by mail (even though he voted by mail himself in 2018 AND just last month), Colorado has been successfully voting by mail for years now.

No one should have to choose between their health and their Constitutional right to vote. Read John’s message below and then sign our petition to demand vote by mail nationwide in the 2020 election.

Hello —

The coronavirus outbreak is forcing all Americans to adapt to new at-home routines, from YouTube workouts to conference calls, home schooling, and video chats with our friends across the street and across the country. 

Our democracy is no different. Every eligible voter should be able to make their voice heard in our elections without facing the long lines, crowds, and health risks of in-person polling places. 

Now is the time to recognize the impact this pandemic is having on our elections and democracy, and come together to address it before it’s too late: 

If you agree, sign my urgent petition demanding President Trump and Congress work together to ensure that every American can vote by mail in the 2020 election and beyond.

If you saw what happened in Wisconsin’s elections on Tuesday, you saw a system that was fundamentally flawed. 

Local election officials and volunteers, typically seniors, were desperately hunting down sanitizer while hundreds of polling places were closed due to health concerns — but Republicans still fought tooth and nail to stop Wisconsin’s Governor Evers from postponing the election to protect the public’s health.

It was sheer chaos! 

There’s got to be a better way to protect public health and our democracy. And in fact, we’ve already found one here in Colorado where we’ve been voting from home by mail for the last few years.

It’s time to bring that system nationwide and use Colorado as a model for our country once again. Sign my petition if you agree we need vote by mail in every state for the 2020 elections.

Universal vote at home reform is simply common sense. Unfortunately, common sense does not prevail very often in Washington. To that I say: it’s time we make Washington a little more like Colorado. We’ve proven that vote at home reforms work, so why not expand them to the rest of the United States?

Our democracy and our public health are too important for anything less. 

Thanks for taking action to protect our elections. 

— John Hickenlooper