News from Representative Betty McCollum



May 17, 2024

Dear Fourth District Constituent,Image


This Police Week, we remember all those who have died in the line of duty, including Burnsville Officers Paul Elmstrand and Matthew Ruge who were killed in February. Their names have been displayed outside of my D.C. office this week as we honored their sacrifice in service to our Minnesota communities.




House Republicans brought to the Floor a resolution regarding violence against law enforcement officers. I voted for it, because our law enforcement officers deserve better training and equipment, better data about the injuries they incur in the line of duty, and better resources to support their mental health and community engagement. However, this resolution also inserts unnecessarily divisive language into what should be a unifying message of support. Read my full statement for the Congressional Record on H.Res. 1213 here.


I voted against H.R. 8369 this week. This bill would break precedent by eliminating all control and oversight that the administration has over the flow of taxpayer funded weapons to Israel. It would force the delivery of these types of weapons to Israel within 15 days of being signed into law, and it would inextricably tie the administration, and America’s foreign policy itself, to the way Prime Minister Netanyahu chooses to prosecute Israel’s military campaign in Gaza. It is deeply disappointing to see the Republican Majority continue to play politics with America’s national security.


The House also approved Federal Aviation Act (FAA) reauthorization this week. I want to give a shout-out to my constituent, Linda Hood, for her successful advocacy on the accessibility provision included in the bill which makes universal changing stations in passenger terminal buildings eligible for federal Airport Improvement Program grants. 


ImageMinnesota National Guard Adjutant General Manke and Colonel Jamie Lindman visited my D.C. office this week to discuss the Minnesota troops currently deployed overseas and the Guard’s priorities for the upcoming fiscal year.


We sported our brand new Minnesota state flag pins!






CHIPS and Science Act Announcement 


On Monday I joined Biden-Harris Administration officials and fellow elected leaders in Minnesota to celebrate a major CHIPS and Science Act funding announcement this week. The White House announced that the Department of Commerce and Polar Semiconductor have reached a preliminary memorandum of terms to provide the company with up to $120 million in proposed federal incentives.


This investment will supercharge domestic semiconductor production, which is critical for our national security and a major investment in our Minnesota economy. Investing in a strong, safe, and secure future with domestic chip production was a great way to celebrate Infrastructure Week!


Celebrating Community Project Funding



Earlier this week I met with City of Gem Lake Mayor Gretchen Artig-Swomley to discuss our partnership with the city to invest in clean and safe drinking water. This federal Community Project Funding for Gem Lake will help with water infrastructure improvements and the construction of new water treatment facilities.  


"This project is important to our infrastructure and we are grateful for the assistance as we begin this journey," Mayor Artig-Swomley said. Together, we will ensure clean drinking water for City of Gem Lake residents! 

More from this week:

  • New rules for grid transmission were announced by the Biden administration. This is huge news that will help ensure we can leverage the federal investments we passed in wind and solar to transition to a clean energy future. 
  • I received a thoughtful letter from Ukrainian President Zelenskyy thanking me for my vote on the National Security Supplemental last month to deliver much-needed aid to Ukraine in their fight for freedom. I will always stand up for democratic values and governance here at home and abroad. 
  • May is National Stroke Awareness Month. Do you know the warning signs? Learn how to act F.A.S.T.

Stay in touch: Voice your policy opinion, ask for help with a federal agency, or find all of my recent statements at

As always, thank you for being an informed and engaged constituent. 





Betty McCollum
Member of Congress


Washington D.C. Office
2426 Rayburn
House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-6631
St. Paul Office
661 LaSalle St. Suite #110
St. Paul, Minnesota 55114
Phone: (651) 224-9191
Fax: (651) 224-3056


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