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Rep. Loudermilk Secures Additional USPS Commitments to Election Integrity

Washington D.C. (May 17, 2024) | Today, Rep. Barry Loudermilk (GA-11) released the following statement detailing his efforts to secure additional commitments from the United States Postal Service (USPS) on its election integrity efforts.


As we get closer to the 2024 elections, all Georgians deserve to have their election mail handled properly and reliably. I am pleased to see USPS taking action to address this, and reaffirming their commitment to election integrity. I will continue to work closely with USPS to ensure all operational breakdowns and service disruptions are remedied as quickly as possible.” 


As part of Rep. Loudermilk’s efforts in holding the USPS accountable for its reorganization and delays, the USPS responded to his inquiries by detailing several performance enhancing efforts they will undertake in Georgia, focused on election mail, including:

  • Require supervisors at all retail units (individual post offices) to check and certify that any election mail has been dispatched and ready for transport.
  • Provide on-site training for all postal employees on how to properly handle election mail.
  • All Georgia processing facilities will institute a certification process to ensure that all election mail goes through processing as intended, including special plans to identify and isolate ballots early in the process.
  • Routine inspections will be conducted at all loading docks and machines to ensure all ballots are cleared.
  • From May 17-21, all completed ballots collected by carriers, received at retail counters, or retrieved from collection boxes, will be separated from regular mail for special delivery.
  • Through May 21, the USPS’s Inspection Service will conduct election mail inspections at all Georgia processing plants.
  • USPS will allocate special pickup times at various processing locations and coordinate those efforts with Boards of Elections.


Updates on Rep. Loudermilk’s Postal Service Efforts


Additionally, Rep. Loudermilk continues to press USPS Postmaster General Louis DeJoy on the current state of mail service delivery in Georgia in the wake of significant delays and operational breakdowns, as well as a detailed explanation for alleged fraud at the Marietta Post Office.

  • On March 20, 2024, Rep. Loudermilk joined Georgia Senators Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock on a letter to USPS Postmaster General DeJoy regarding mail theft at the Marietta Post Office.
    • Received a response on April 8, 2024, from USPS stating an Office of Inspector General (OIG) investigation was ongoing. Currently, no new updates have transpired in this effort.
  • On April 15, 2024, Rep. Loudermilk led a letter with the Georgia Republican Congressional Delegation urging Postmaster General DeJoy to adequately address USPS delays and operations issues.
    • Received a six-page response from USPS on April 22, 2024.
  • On April 16, 2024, Rep. Loudermilk joined Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) in a letter urging USPS to halt all further postal consolidation.
    • In response received on May 17, 2024, USPS announced a pause on further consolidation throughout the country until January 1, 2025.




Rep. Loudermilk Supports Legislation Standing Up for our Brave Men and Women in Blue and Protecting Israel's Security

This week, Rep. Barry Loudermilk (GA-11) supported various pieces of legislation showing strong support for the brave men and women in blue who put their lies on the line daily to protect our communities. He also supported commonsense legislation ensuring delivery of congressionally-approved military aid to Israel following President Biden's unprecedented decision to withhold much-needed resources. Bills are as follows: 


H.R. 354 – LEOSA Reform Act – Rep. Don Bacon (NE-2)

This legislation allows qualified active and retired law enforcement officers to carry concealed firearms and ammunitions in school zones covered by the Gun-Free School Zone Act, national parks, and certain federal facilities, as well as on state, local, and private property that is otherwise open to the public. It also reduces the frequency with which retired law enforcement officers are required to certify in firearms training from every 12 months to every 36 months.

  • In 2004, President Bush signed the Law Enforcement Officers’ Safety Act (LEOSA) into law, which exempts qualified active and retired law enforcement officers from local and state prohibitions on the carrying of concealed firearms, with certain restrictions and exceptions. LEOSA was amended in 2010 and 2013 to clarify who can qualify as a law enforcement officer and modify certain certification requirements.
  • Currently, LEOSA-certified law enforcement officers are prohibited under federal law from carrying concealed firearms in gun-free school zones, even in instances where individuals licensed through the state are permitted to carry on school property. Similarly, federal law permits law enforcement officers to carry firearms in certain low-risk federal facilities, including U.S. Post Offices, only in their official capacity. By removing these restrictions, H.R. 354 ensures LEOSA-certified officers have the ability to carry in the same venues as civilian concealed carry permit holders, prevents any officer from inadvertently putting themselves in legal jeopardy, and puts additional safety measures in the hands of responsible current and former law enforcement officers who have already been entrusted to protect the public.
  • This legislation reduces logistical and financial burdens on law enforcement officers, who spent their careers training with firearms, by extending the required certification period from 12 months to 36 months.


H.R. 7530 – DC CRIMES Act – Rep. Byron Donalds (FL-19)

This legislation asserts Congressional control over the District of Columbia by prohibiting the D.C. Council from pursuing progressive, soft-on-crime sentencing policies that endanger residents and visitors in our nation’s capital. The U.S. Constitution provides Congress with complete authority over D.C. In 1973, Congress granted limited home rule authority to D.C. through the District of Columbia Self-Government and Governmental Reorganization Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-198), often referred to as the Home Rule Act. Under the Home Rule Act, Congress “reserves the right, at any time, to exercise its constitutional authority as legislature for the District,” as well as to review and disapprove of most laws enacted by the D.C. Council before they take effect.

  • The D.C. Council passed the Revised Criminal Code Act of 2022 (RCCA) (D.C. Act 24-789), which eliminated mandatory minimum sentences for all crimes except first degree murder, eliminated life sentences, and reduced maximum penalties for violent crimes. Last year, House Republicans led the effort to reverse these ill-conceived policies that would have made D.C. residents and visitors less safe, forcing the Senate and President Biden to enact H.J. Res. 26 (P.L. 118-1), which blocked the RCCA from taking effect.
  • In tandem with their irresponsible crime policies, the D.C. Council has limited the ability of law enforcement to serve and protect, most recently through the Comprehensive Policing and Justice Reform Amendment Act of 2022 (D.C. Act 24-781), which Congress attempted to block through a disapproval resolution that President Biden vetoed. The D.C. Metropolitan Police Department has lost over 1,200 members since 2020, and staffing remains at the lowest level in 50 years, with officers often citing the D.C. Council’s restrictive laws as their reasons for leaving.
  • As a result of the D.C. Council’s continued soft-on-crime agenda:
    • Crime in D.C. has increased 30% in 2023 compared to the previous year.
    • Homicides were up 29% over 2022, and homicides have doubled since 2012.
    • Violent crime has increased by 37% from 2022 to 2023, with robberies rising 65%.
    • Motor vehicle thefts have increased by 107% in 2023, compared to 2022.
  • Specifically, H.R. 7530 ensures Congress fulfills its constitutional responsibility to oversee the District by:
    • Lowering D.C.’s definition of a “youth” from under 25 years old to under 18 years old, meaning individuals 18 and older are treated and tried as adults.
    • Requiring the D.C. Attorney General to establish a public website containing statistics on juvenile crime.
    • Prohibiting the D.C. Council from enacting any additional changes to D.C.’s sentencing guidelines.


H.R. 7343 – Detain and Deport Illegal Aliens Who Assault Cops Act – Rep. Jeff Van Drew (NJ-2)

Under President Biden’s watch, nearly 4.7 million illegal aliens have been released and more than 1.8 million known illegal alien “gotaways” have escaped into the United States. These include dangerous individuals who violate our laws and then assault the law enforcement officers putting their lives on the line to protect our communities from their crimes. This legislation fights back against the Biden Administration’s radical open-borders, anti-enforcement policies by mandating immigration detention for illegal aliens who are charged with, arrested for, convicted of, admit having committed, or admit committing acts that constitute the essential elements of any offense involving the assault of a law enforcement officer and requiring Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) issue a detainer and expeditiously take custody of such individuals.

  • The Biden Administration has made it more difficult to arrest and remove criminal aliens. As a result, half a million criminal aliens are on ICE’s non-detained docket, meaning that aliens with criminal convictions or pending criminal charges are freely roaming our streets.
  • Detainers are issued by ICE to ensure they can take custody of an alien when they are released by local authorities. The Biden Administration has issued significantly fewer detainers than the Trump Administration, which endangers public safety by allowing these individuals back into our communities.
  • We are seeing the real-life consequences of President Biden’s failure to enforce our immigration laws play out on our nation’s law enforcement. In January 2023, as many as 14 aliens viciously assaulted two NYPD officers near Times Square. In March 2023, an illegal alien injured a U.S. Border Patrol Agent as he was being taken into custody. Tragically, in 2020, an illegal alien shot and killed a Houston police sergeant. The list goes on.
  • By mandating detention for illegal aliens who assault law enforcement officers, H.R. 7343 ensures we can get these dangerous criminals off our streets and remove them from the country.


H.R. 7581 – Improving Law Enforcement Officer Safety and Wellness Through Data Act – Rep. Dan Bishop (NC-8)

This legislation enhances the safety of police officers by requiring the Attorney General to develop a series of reports related to violent attacks on law enforcement officers, the efficacy of current data collection related to violent attacks on law enforcement officers, and the efficacy of programs intended to provide protective equipment and wellness resources to law enforcement officers.

  • As a result of Democrats’ “Defund the Police” movement and anti-police rhetoric, law enforcement officers are facing increased threats and ambush-style attacks. In 2023, 378 officers were shot in the line of duty, the highest number ever recorded, with 115 ambush-style attacks. Tragically, 20 officers lost their lives as a result of these attacks.
  • Unsurprisingly, police departments across the country are struggling to recruit new officers. For example, the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington, D.C. has hit the lowest level of officers in fifty years.
  • H.R. 7581 fills voids and advances information collection regarding attacks on law enforcement, including mental health impacts and resources, improving our understanding of anti-police violence and supporting the development of preventative strategies and wellness resources for our nation’s police officers.


H.R. 8369 – Israel Security Assistance Act – Rep. Ken Calvert (CA-41)

The Biden Administration’s decision to conditionally withhold weapons to Israel, without informing Congress, is a political ploy intended to appease the radical Left that will have a devastating impact on Israel’s ability to defeat Hamas and on the long-term security of the U.S. At a time when pro-terrorist campus demonstrations have empowered anti-Jewish aggression, House Republicans stand firmly with our ally, Israel, and against all forms of antisemitism. This legislation affirms our commitment to support Israel in their fight against Hamas by condemning the Biden Administration’s dangerous decision to pause arms and compelling the expeditious delivery of approved defense articles and services to Israel.

  • The Biden Administration paused the delivery of 1,800 2,000-pound bombs and 1,700 500-pound bombs, which would assist the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in their response to the Hamas terrorist attacks and Israel’s ongoing efforts to retrieve hostages, including Americans.
  • Additionally, Biden confirmed in a CNN interview on May 8 that he was reviewing a pause on Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAMs).
  • The weapons referenced in H.R. 8369 are a completed sale and have already been paid for by the Israeli government. They were cleared by Congress through the formal notification process codified in the Arms Export Control Act.
  • On May 15, President Biden reportedly notified Congress of a $1 billion package of weapons to Israel; but this notification is a red herring, as it only initiates a process for a separate package, and he is still holding up the arms referenced in HR 8369.
  • Specifically, H.R. 8369 supports Israel and holds the Biden Administration accountable by:
    • Prohibiting funding appropriated for the Department of Defense or Department of State for Fiscal Year 2024 or any years prior from being used to withhold, halt, reverse, or cancel delivery of defense articles to Israel, or to pay the salaries of any employees that take action to do so;
    • Requiring the Secretary of Defense and Secretary of State to ensure delivery of defense articles and services within 15 days;
    • Withholding funding for the Department of Defense, Department of State, and National Security Council until delivery requirements are met;
    • Ensuring that unobligated funds are made available to Israel within 30 days;
    • Requiring an Inspector General report on actions taken by executive branch officials to withhold, halt, reverse, or cancel delivery of defense articles to Israel; and
    • Requiring regular reports to Congress on security assistance provided to Israel, in addition to a report on the prioritization of delivery of defense articles and services to Israel.


H.Res. 1210 – Condemning the Biden border crisis and the tremendous burdens law enforcement officers face as a result – Rep. Clay Higgins (LA-3)

This resolution acknowledges that law enforcement officers are facing challenges exacerbated by the unprecedented crisis at the border, condemns the Biden Administration’s open border crisis, urges the Biden Administration and state and local elected officials to support law enforcement officers so they can protect the homeland, and recognizes and sympathizes with officers who have suffered mental, physical, and psychological stress due to the lack of support they face in our country today.

·        The Biden Border Crisis has led to an unprecedented rise in dangerous crime and historic levels of drug-related deaths across our nation. Elected Democrats from CO, IL, MA, NY, TX, and D.C. have declared states of emergency as a result of the border crisis. Our nation’s law enforcement officers are on the front lines protecting our communities from this crime wave.

·        Officers across the United States continue to face calls by radical far-Left politicians and activists to ‘‘defund the police,’’ and are now suffering from historically low levels of recruitment and morale as a result of these attacks to their profession.

·        Law enforcement is increasingly targeted and assaulted by illegal aliens. In January, two New York City Police Department officers were assaulted by more than a dozen illegal alien suspects in Times Square, many of whom were set free without bail. In March, an illegal alien who entered the U.S. as a ‘‘gotaway’’ allegedly struck and killed Washington State Trooper Christopher Gadd.


H.R. 8146 – Police Our Border Act – Rep. Anthony D'Esposito (NY-4)

The Biden Administration’s failure to enforce our immigration laws has created the worst border crisis in American history, and law enforcement officers are often bearing the brunt of the influx of illegal immigrants into our nation. This legislation will provide much needed transparency into the true impact of Biden’s Border Crisis by requiring the Attorney General to report to Congress on how our open borders affect law enforcement.

  • Law enforcement departments across the nation are on the front lines dealing with large-scale human trafficking, gang activity, and narcotics operations, often operated by dangerous cartels, that have arisen directly as a result of President Biden’s open-borders policies. These complex criminal issues, traditionally handled by the federal government, are straining local resources and endangering communities across the country.
  • Tragically, the number of officers assaulted and killed in the line of duty has increased in recent years. Illegal immigrants have been involved in several high-profile violent encounters, including attacks on Border Patrol agents and state and local police officers.
  • H.R. 8146 requires a report to Congress on the border crisis that includes financial and operational burdens imposed on law enforcement, exposure of officers to dangers like fentanyl, injuries incurred, and the impact on morale, ensuring the Biden Administration is held accountable for the devastation their open-borders policies have incurred.


H.Res. 1213 – A resolution regarding violence against law enforcement officers – Rep. Pete Stauber (MN-8)

This resolution condemns calls to defund the police and recognizes the need to properly equip law enforcement officers and to collect data on officers who are assaulted, injured, or disabled on the job. It resolves that the House acknowledges its responsibility for exemplifying respect for law enforcement officers, the mental stress and strain officers suffer, and the need to strengthen Congress’ relationship with law enforcement. Finally, it expresses condolences and solemn appreciation to the loved ones of law enforcement officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty.

  • In many Democrat-run cities, the “Defund the Police” movement and lack of accountability for violent criminals has opened the door for record criminal activity and encouraged the public to aggressively engage with law enforcement.
  • In addition to protecting communities from crime, law enforcement is often called upon to handle societal problems, including a nationwide mental health crisis, record-setting overdose poisonings due to fentanyl, and an increase in the homeless population.
  • In 2023, 378 officers were shot in the line of duty, the highest year on record, of which 115 were violent ambush attacks. Tragically, 137 law enforcement officers were killed in the line of duty.

Rep. Loudermilk Grills FDIC Chairman over Report Indicating Toxic Work Culture

In case you missed it, this week, Rep. Barry Loudermilk (GA-11) questioned federal banking regulators about the conduct of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Chairman Martin Gruenberg.


Specifically, he highlighted disturbing allegations of a toxic work culture and widespread misconduct at the FDIC under Gruenberg's tenure and called on him to immediately step aside as Chair to ensure critical, ground-up reforms are implemented to address the critical misconduct and workplace culture issues. He also called all for all banking regulators to immediately evaluate their workplace culture and agency standards to address any similar shortcomings.


Click here or below to tune in. 


Rep. Loudermilk Demands Answers from Witnesses on Election Integrity and Efforts to Secure American Elections

In case you missed it, Rep. Barry Loudermilk (GA-11) also demanded answers from witnesses on implementing new measures to prevent non-citizens from voting in a House Administration Committee hearing.


Specifically, he highlighted how the D.C. Board of Elections is encouraging non-citizens to vote in local elections and how the issue of election integrity used to be and must be non-partisan. He also called for new ways to fight back to ensure all Americans have the utmost confidence that our elections are secure. 


It's simple: only American citizens should be able to vote in American elections.


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The House Financial Services Committee Passes Rep. Loudermilk's Protecting Investors' Personally Identifiable Information Act

This week, the House Financial Services Committee voted to advance Rep. Loudermilk's bill, H.R. 4551, the Protecting Investors' Personally Identifiable Information Act, to the full House of Representatives. This bill will prevent the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) from collecting personally identifiable information on Americans through the Consolidated Audit Trail.


"Americans invest in the stock market in the hope of bettering their financial future. The SEC’s Consolidated Audit Trail puts that future at risk by exposing their personal data to cyber criminals and bad foreign actors. My bill will stop this SEC overreach, said Rep. Loudermilk in a Twitter statement. 


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Rep. Loudermilk Cosponsors SAVE Act to Protect U.S. Elections 

This week, Rep. Barry Loudermilk (GA-11) joined Rep. Chip Roy (TX-21) and 48 of his House Republican colleagues as a cosponsor of H.R. 8281, the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act. This bill would thwart Democrat efforts to cement one-party rule by upholding and strengthening current law that permits only U.S. citizens to vote in Federal elections.

The SAVE Act would protect and preserve the right of American citizens to vote by:

  • Requiring states to obtain proof of citizenship – in person – when registering an individual to vote.
  • Requiring states to remove non-citizens from existing voter rolls.

Cosponsors of the bill include Reps. Jodey Arrington (TX-19), Brian Babin (TX-36), Jim Banks (IN-3), Andy Biggs (AZ-5), Lauren Boebert (CO-3), Michael Cloud (TX-27), Andrew Clyde (GA-9), Dan Crenshaw (TX-2), Byron Donalds (FL-19), Jake Ellzey (TX-6), Tom Emmer (MN-6), Pat Fallon (TX-4), Randy Feenstra (IA-4), Andrew Garbarino (NY-2), Mike Garcia (CA-27), Garret Graves (LA-6), Michael Guest (MS-3), Diana Harshbarger (TN-1), Kevin Hern (OK-1), Clay Higgins (LA-3), Erin Houchin (IN-9), Wesley Hunt (TX-38), Jim Jordan (OH-4), Nick Langworthy (NY-23), Mike Lawler (NY-17), Michael McCaul (TX-10), Tom McClintock (CA-5), Rich McCormick (GA-6), Mary Miller (IL-15), Barry Moore (AL-2), Troy Nehls (TX-22), Gary Palmer (AL-6), Guy Reschenthaler (PA-14), Steve Scalise (LA-1), Austin Scott (GA-8), Keith Self (TX-3), Elise Stefanik (NY-21), Claudia Tenney (NY-24), Randy Weber (TX-14), Brandon Williams (NY-22), Roger Williams (TX-25), Josh Brecheen (OK-2), Dan Bishop (NC-8), Mike Bost (IL-12), Michelle Fischbach (MN-7), August Pfluger (TX-11), Gus Bilirakis (FL-12), Darrell Issa (CA-48), and Kat Cammack (FL-3).


Click here to read the full text of the SAVE Act


Click here to read the one-pager of the bill. 


IN THE NEWS: Liz Cheney's communications with star Jan 6 witness sought by House GOP investigators

Fox News:


House GOP investigators are seeking all communications between former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson and people related to the now-defunct House select committee probing Jan. 6, including the panel's former vice chair, ex-Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo.


Rep. Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga., chairman of the Committee on House Administration’s oversight subcommittee, wrote to Hutchinson on Wednesday asking for her exchanges with Cheney, former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, ex-White House communications director Alyssa Farah Griffin, former White House deputy chief Anthony Ornato and Secret Service agent Robert Engel, among others.



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