May 17, 2024
The division between Democrats and Republicans is widening. In this
episode, I review the chaos that erupted on the House floor.
"Cornered in a Lie" - Michael Cohen Destroyed So Badly During Cross
Examination Even CNN Admits It
Things aren’t going to sell for Michael Cohen - and even CNN’s Anderson
Cooper didn’t even try to spin it for his audience.
NIH Deputy Director FINALLY Admits U.S. Taxpayers Funded Gain-of-Function
In the latest edition of “we were right all along,” National Institutes
of Health (NIH) director Lawrence Tabak finally admitted that U.S.
taxpayers funded gain-of-function research.
TRENDING VIDEO: NIH Deputy Director FINALLY Admits U.S. Taxpayers Funded
Gain-of-Function Research
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City, FL 34991
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