

Dear Neighbor,


With the rise of AI generated voice cloning technology, Congress has a responsibility to act to protect consumers from the dangerous potential for fraud and other scams that comes with this new technology.


Tune into my interview with CBS New York to hear about the need for our action, my legislation, the DEEPFAKES Accountability Act of 2023, helpful tips to avoid these scams, and more. Please follow along with the transcript below for a closer look.


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Mahsa Saeidi
I wanted to know what it takes to clone a voice. I found an AI powered website and paid $5 to use the service. Next, I needed a 32nd audio clip of the voice I wanted to replicate. 

Walter Smith Randolph
Did you know that all you need is 30 seconds of someone's voice? 

Mahsa Saeidi
My executive producer Walter loaned his voice. 

Walter Smith Randolph
And you put it into a system…

Mahsa Saeidi
But I could have also pulled it from his social media.

Walter Smith Randolph
I'm currently the executive producer of investigations at CBS News New York. 

Mahsa Saeidi
And just like that….

Voice Clone
This is Walter, and Mahsa is the best investigative reporter ever. 

Mahsa Saeidi
I had cloned it. 

Voice Clone
This technology is powerful. 

Mahsa Saeidi
The AI generated voice would say whatever I typed. The startup behind this tells me the technology can be used to narrate a book or give a voice to those without one. 

Mahsa Saeidi
Are regulators doing enough to protect us? 

Rep. Clarke
We're trying to keep pace with the evolution of technology, and we aren't doing enough. 

Mahsa Saeidi
Congresswoman Yvette Clarke represents New York's 9th district and is on the US House of Representatives Task Force. She's introduced legislation that requires companies to digitally watermark AI generated content. If the bill passes, consumers would be warned they're listening to a fake, and if somehow they're harmed by the fake content, they could sue.

Rep. Clarke
It's gonna be very difficult for the average human being to discern what is real from what has been AI generated. Time is not on our side. 

DA Melinda Katz
If you can simulate someone's voice, there is no saying how far that can go. 

Mahsa Saeidi
As regulators try to catch up to scammers, Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz says it's up to you to defend yourself. The DA suggests you create a secret code word and share it with family in person. In an emergency, the code will help you verify who's on the other end of the line. Also key, if anyone asks you for money or sensitive information, pause.

DA Melinda Katz
Honor your senses. Trust your gut, trust your Judgment. And double check.

To me, it’s nonsensical. We allow these tools to be out there that can be used by scammers without risk of harm. 

Mahsa Saeidi
And data from the FTC show scammers aren't just pretending to be your child or your friend. Scams involving business imposters are now on the rise. Last year, more than $750 million was lost. The advice is the same, though, guys. Don't give your money and definitely don't give your bosses money until you verify who's on the other end of the line.

Yeah. So with this bill, if it passes, there's a threat of the lawsuit. Do tech companies actually support this legislation? 

Mahsa Saeidi
The tech company I spoke with – they, do they support the legislation? Partially. They say that, you know, they want people to be able to find out where synthetic audio is coming from. And they say right now they are creating that technology. 

It sounds so real, doesn't it? It does. And it was unbelievable to me how fast you were able to do it and how simple it is. Unbelievable. Thank you. Mahsa, appreciate it.


It's clear, today, that the time to address this imminent crisis of AI generated voice clones is now. To read more on my work in this space, see CBS New York's article on my discussion with Mahsa Saeidi here.


For more information on my efforts to regulate deepfakes, or if you need assistance with a matter affecting you or your family, please do not hesitate to contact my Brooklyn office at (718) 287-1142.




Yvette D. Clarke
Member of Congress

