This National Women’s Health Week, we’re asking supporters to weigh in on Maria’s efforts to defend and expand healthcare rights so that all women receive the care and support they need – at every stage of life.

Did you know: Only 30% of medical training programs currently offer any formal menopause curriculum and 80% of OB-GYN residents said they were ill-prepared to discuss menopause with patients.

Like many critical women's health issues, menopause is under-researched – leaving women to experience often substantial health challenges in silence.

Right now, Maria is leading bipartisan efforts to improve health outcomes and address the significant gaps in menopause education and awareness by calling for an investment in research, training and public awareness around menopause and mid-life health challenges.
Do you support increased funding for women's health?

Maria believes that addressing healthcare disparities is critical to achieving real equality – which is why she’s 100% committed to this effort.

To make real progress, we need to hear from you too. Please weigh in and let us know what you think.

            Team Cantwell




Paid for by Friends of Maria

Friends of Maria
PO Box 12740
Seattle, WA 98111
United States