
I’ll come right out and say it: We need a national vote-by-mail program implemented immediately to ensure the integrity of the 2020 election. COVID-19 has upended our way of life, but we cannot let upend our democracy and the right to vote.

New York has pushed its presidential primary to June 23rd, the same day as my Congressional primary, and is allowing all voters to vote absentee to avoid putting themselves and volunteers at an increased risk of spreading the virus. 

This was the right move; no one should have to choose between their health and exercising their constitutional right to vote. 

As a member of the Bipartisan Congressional Coronavirus Task Force, I can tell you that COVID-19 will have lingering impacts on marginalized communities across the country. This could have major implications at the polls, both in the primary and the general election.

In Congress, I have led the fight to remove barriers to voting, including for folks who vote-by-mail and I am proud to see New York leading the way and protecting the right to vote. But given the unprecedented nature of this crisis, Congress needs to respond in an unprecedented manner: by guaranteeing that every American — regardless of where they live — can vote-by-mail through the rest of the year.

But to do that, I need your help. We need to show folks in Congress that this idea has widespread support here in New York and across the country.

That’s why I’m asking you to join me in signing our petition demanding Congress pass vote-by-mail for the 2020 election as soon as possible. Will you add your name?


The 2020 elections are the most consequential elections of our lifetime, and by instituting universal vote-by-mail, no one will have to make the unconscionable decision between their health and safety and the right to vote.

Will you join me in this fight and sign on our petition to show Congress how strong support for vote-by-mail is?


Thank you for staying engaged during these difficult times. We cannot lose sight of protecting our marginalized communities.

In service,

Yvette Clarke



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