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Lily Tang Williams for Congress Update


Last week, I had the opportunity to tour the northern border in Coos County and participate in a round table along with seven Republican State Senators and local law enforcement leaders.

Since last October, over 7000 illegals from 70 countries have crossed over to NH, an average of 1000 per month. They are released into the public with a court date 3 years to 6 years later. In addition, law enforcement has apprehended record numbers of cartel members as well as known or suspected terrorists on watch lists

President Biden's open border policies are putting our communities at risk. Further, his "catch and release" policies are a slap in the face to the many legal immigrants who followed our laws and waited their turn in line, like my own brother. In Congress, I will reverse Biden's policies, secure our border, support law enforcement, and enforce our immigration laws


Fox News Interview

I was also recently interviewed by Fox News Digital regarding the anti-American and antisemitic protests we are seeing around our country.

Watch my full interview below and please share!

Survivor of Mao's political purge getting 'PTSD' watching history repeat on college campuses

Upcoming Events

  • May 28th - Fundraiser in Nashua at the Shanghai Osaka Restaurant, 6pm to 8pm

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Republican Candidate for New Hampshire Congressional District 2

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