John, I need you to understand the facts:

- Extreme MAGA Republicans are more interested in sowing chaos, dysfunction and extremism than doing the important work of governing.

- House Democrats are fighting back – CONSTANTLY providing a majority of the votes necessary to get things done For The People.

- We know the American people sent us to Washington to get things done and solve problems. Extreme Republicans simply don't share that view.

John, I need you to read this part very closely: We cannot allow extreme MAGA Republicans to outraise us. 

I’m calling for a massive grassroots fundraising surge – 20,591 Democratic gifts – to ensure we can continue building a strong foundation, outpace Team Extreme with a historic haul and deliver the resources to battleground districts so Democrats can take back the House. John, the stakes in this election could not be higher. It’s going to take every single one of us chipping in to compete with the extreme MAGA Republicans. Will you rush $3 to the DCCC before midnight to help ensure we have the resources to win back the House? >>

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This November, we're not just choosing which party will control the House. We're defending the freedoms and rights that define our lives.

John, if Roe v. Wade can fall, then anything can fall.

Social Security can fall.
Medicare can fall.
Voting rights can fall. 
And God help us all, democracy itself can fall.

If we all join together to overshadow extreme MAGA Republicans and push back against their dysfunction, it will send a clear message that American values will always prevail over extremism. Can you chip in $3 – or whatever makes sense for you right now – to the DCCC to help reclaim the House majority and fight extremism every step of the way?

Keep the faith,


Chip in a monthly recurring $5 to elect House Dems >>

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