I’m grateful to accept Connecticut Democrats’ nomination for U.S. Senate. Thank you to the people of Connecticut for entrusting me to do this job.

U.S. Senator Chris Murphy

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I’m grateful to officially be the Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate. Thank you to the people of Connecticut for entrusting me to do this job.

I feel lucky to be in this position in this country at this moment in time. Why? Because the idea of America - a broad, participatory democracy where people from all races, religions and backgrounds are welcome - is worth fighting for. And right now, the entire idea of America is at risk.

I feel joyful every day because I have a job where I get to go to work every day, engaged in the work of fighting for and preserving the greatest country that has ever existed.

And part of the reason that I feel joy is because I have seen democracy work.

When Donald Trump was president, every week was infrastructure week. But when Joe Biden became president with Democrats in charge of Congress, we passed the biggest investment in roads and bridges and rail lines and high-speed internet and great improvements in the history of the country. After 30 years of talking tough on climate change, but passing little legislation to do anything about it, we passed the biggest climate action bill ever — reducing emissions by 40% over the next decade.

It’s a big deal.

We all know that Connecticut and our nation changed in December of 2012 when 20 children and six educators were murdered in Sandy Hook. The worst day of my legislative career occurred about six months later when a gun control bill failed in the United States Senate.

But for the next 10 years, together, we built a national movement — an anti-gun violence movement that rivals the power of that same gun lobby that beat us on that vote in 2013. And then two summers ago in the wake of another horrific shooting in Uvalde, Texas, a window opened to break 30 years of inaction on guns — to finally, a decade after Sandy Hook, do something.

I was proud to lead those negotiations working 24/7 for 30 straight days. 10 years after the worst day of my political life, I got to go to the White House and watch Joe Biden sign into law the first major gun safety bill in three decades.

It's a big deal, and it’s working.

Since we passed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, gun violence rates in our cities all across this country have dropped by a record-breaking 20%. We still have work to do, but that is good news.

I know the system is still broken for too many. I know we have more work to do, but I have seen democracy work. I know that it is still worth fighting for.

Donald Trump wants to destroy our democracy. He wants to turn our nation into a banana republic. He wants to roll back all the progress we’ve made on infrastructure, gun violence, and climate.

This November, it is all on the line. I promise to fight like hell for what I believe in and to keep trying to find common ground when possible. Will you join me?

If you are in this fight with me, if you believe democracy is worth fighting for, then I am asking you to please make a contribution to my campaign today. Do it to help us send a powerful message that you are united with us in this fight as one of our Founding Donors.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly.

Donald Trump wants to turn us against each other. He wants to make Americans feel like we have something to fear from immigrants or trans kids or Muslims or college students.

We believe that America's strength is our diversity and that everyone belongs here.

And I’m honored to fight for that vision alongside you.

Every best wish,

Chris Murphy



Paid for by Friends of Chris Murphy

Friends of Chris Murphy
PO Box 230987
Hartford, CT 06123

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