Let's make transport better, greener and fairer for all.
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Help more people travel sustainably

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As summer approaches, including sustainable transport in your travel plans will benefit the environment and hopefully benefit you! And if you’re already a seasoned sustainable traveller, inviting others to choose sustainable transport will be of even more value.  

If someone you know is thinking about trying a sustainable transport method for the first time but isn’t sure where to start, our handy guide explains what to expect and why the method is sustainable.  

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The more of us who travel sustainably, the better for the environment. Share this guide with others to have even more environmental impact. If you know someone who could switch their journeys to be more sustainable, share this guide with them and help them take the first step.
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To seriously cut down on emissions so that we get cleaner air, and have less environmental impact, what's most needed is policy change, which we campaign for. But individual action plays a role too, and especially talking to others about the changes we need.

The more of us who are involved, the closer we get to sustainable transport that works for everyone, everywhere. Thank you for your ongoing support of Campaign for Better Transport.

Best wishes 

Sarah Bradley 
Supporter Engagement Manager, Campaign for Better Transport 
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