The Hill: The administrative state’s chokehold on COVID-19 tests put millions of Americans at risk

At this point in the pandemic, slowing the virus’ spread in the United States requires a two-pronged approach: altering behaviors through practices such as social distancing and sheltering in place, and widespread testing. 

Unfortunately, as Glenn Roper explains, the second prong has been lacking, largely because of bureaucratic red tape and the failures inherent to the regulatory state.

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Certificate of Need laws limited health care capacities in the years leading up to COVID-19

Temporary hospitals are popping up all over New York in response to the growing number of coronavirus patients and an undersupply of hospital beds.

But those so-called “field” hospitals, hidden beneath makeshift tents and set among Central Park’s trees, were made possible only because Governor Cuomo suspended the state’s Certificate of Need (CON) law. Anastasia Boden and the Mercatus Center’s Anne Philpot warn us that unless other states do the same, health care providers will be limited in their capacity to respond to the pandemic.

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Ten examples of companies innovating to make our lives better during COVID-19

The pandemic has caused incredible turmoil and pain for millions of people around the world. While government policies have a role in protecting public health, it is important to recognize how free enterprise has been proven as the best way to help those in need during this crisis. 

Nathaniel Hamilton brings us some uplifting examples from just the past few weeks that show how private companies have stepped up, pivoted, or innovated to help those hurt by the virus.

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