Greetings and welcome to the first MenEngage Africa newsletter for 2024! We're pleased to present you with the recent events within our alliance from the beginning of the year to date. In this release, we'll share several notable events like the MenEngage Africa Annual General Meeting, highlights from the Commission on the Status of Women68, and insightful commentary. Furthermore, learn about our exclusive chat with Suzgo Chitete, Journalist and maiden recipient of the coveted Khopotso Bodibe Media Award from MEA. We give extensively curated reading and other useful resources.


MenEngage Annual General Meeting in Madagascar

MenEngage Africa member countries converged in Madagascar from the 24th to the25th of April 2024 to collectively reflect on their work using gender transformative approaches and working with men and boys for gender equality. Apart from receiving country updates, sessions were also aimed at discussing accountability and compliance issues, networking and learning opportunities between country representatives. The AGM was an opportunity to strengthen efforts and promote a positive African spirit towards attaining gender justice for people in all their diversities.
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Commission on Status of Women CSW68 highlights

The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68) concluded its proceedings at the United Nations headquarters in New York on the 22nd of March 2024, after a two week-long session of intense discussions and deliberations. The event brought together representatives from all corners of the world, including government officials, civil society leaders, and advocates for women’s rights. This year the forum was held under the theme “Accelerating the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls by addressing poverty and strengthening institutions and financing with a gender perspective”. The MenEngage Africa alliance members were also present to participate in the various sessions held to advance women rights.
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Rumbidzai Chidoori reflects on CSW68

Sonke’s Regional Policy and Advocacy Coordinator Rumbidzai Chidoori participated in the 68th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68) in New York, from the 11th to the 22nd of March 2024, representing Sonke Gender Justice and MenEngage Africa respectively. Rumbi takes note of her experience and valuable knowledge she gained from her attendance of the forum. In this reflection, she expands on her personal insights and important takeaways.
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Highlights of the Power To Youth GTA Linking and Learning Symposium

Power to Youth partners shared good practices, challenges, and lessons learnt during the Gender Transformative Approach (GTA) Linking and Learning Symposium in Kenya from the 12th to the19th of April 2024. Given that the GTA taskforce set out to capture stories of change in 2024, the symposium was aimed at facilitating and supporting countries to reflect on their implementation of GTA as a key thematic within the Power to Youth program, as well as highlight the good practices, and impactful stories in their journeys.
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Power To Youth Malawi Undergoes Capacity Strengthening on MIYP

Youth advocates in the Power to Youth (PtY) Program Malawi now have skills to meaningfully participate in the development of their communities and serve as agents of change in deconstructing toxic socio-cultural norms experienced by women and girls. This is due to the Meaningful and Inclusive Youth Participation (MIYP) training facilitated by Sonke Gender Justice in Partnership with Choice for Youth and Sexuality and Youth Wave Malawi from the 8th -11th of April 2024.
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“We must not tire of reporting about gender injustices” Q&A with Suzgo Chitete: MenEngage Africa “Khopotso Bodibe” Media Award Winner.

In 2023, Sonke Gender Justice and MenEngage Africa, honoured journalists who have worked tirelessly towards the promotion of gender equality in their reporting. The virtual event, held on the 12th of December 2023, was in memory of the late Khopotso Bodibe, a renowned journalist and Sonke’s Communications Specialist, who dedicated his life to raising awareness about gender-based violence and the importance of women’s rights. The event also provided a platform for journalists to share their experiences and exchange best practices on how to promote gender equality through journalism. We spoke to the first-place awardee, Suzgo Chitete and this is what he had to say.
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SRHR Learning and Exchange Symposium

Progress 2024 "Promoting the realisation of SRHR and gender equality across Africa" from 12-14 August 2024, Nairobi, Kenya.
Attend the Event

International AIDs Conference

MenEngage Africa will be at the International AIDS Conference in Munich, Germany from July 21-26, 2024. Keep an eye out for updates on our events page.
Visit MenEngage Africa's website for more social justice news and views
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